Meanwhile in Germany

>meanwhile in Germany
why are the US pretending to have a serious antifa problem?

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Because they current have their own country set up in Seattle.

>Antifa be like "We're not a group"

Seems history is repeating itself.

Attached: antifa headquarters.jpg (640x413, 67.1K)

Because Germany has so much experience with the them (sense the 30’s) they don’t immediately cuck our and destroy all their heritage and statues and let them overthrow government, unlike in UK and USA which are busy on their knees apologizing for being white males

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cuck out*

Germany had that shit countless times in the last 40 years and certain cities still have whole districts, streets or houses that work in the same principle.

In the 80s they used to build whole fucking villages in the woods, they even have one of those at this very moment. You have no idea +

I want to become the next hitler to stop this shit and get niggers back in their rightful natural position of being a slave. How should i go about doing that?

And what happens if one of those people files a dodgy tax claim?

Attached: tier.jpg (259x194, 7.61K)

This is why

Attached: A96F195F-B3A2-46E7-8A46-9E5309398C7A.jpg (934x474, 146.27K)

they get arrested, publicly shamed and are declared outlaws in very severe cases

Because Germany isn’t burning to the ground and being overrun by violent mobs

You really don’t understand what’s going on in Britain and America right now do you?

Attached: 474C1152-8130-4D22-8AF8-92239856FE50.jpg (1242x1881, 945.01K)

kek yet you didn't take a virus seriously that killed more of your countrymen than all your wars since korea combined

user, they are going to RENAME the WHITE Cliffs of Dover

After spending 12 years in Germany, and watching my German high school buddy sent to prison for making fake NAZI ID cards, this is, on the whole, shocking.
>DDR references should be as illegal.
>Symbols, ideology , etc
*proves Hitler right

He does not.

Look at an age pyramid of the deaths.

>DDR references should be as illegal.
>Symbols, ideology , etc
well to keep things in perspective, the DDR never started a war. Their whole crimes basically consist of killing a few hundred people at their border within their 40 years of existence.

>>DDR references should be as illegal.

yeah but ddr didnt exterminated 6 million jews and 50 million europeans

and then they proceed to tell everyone that they operate in cells... like the Taliban

Yeah, they only exterminated 60-80 million Europeans in total(concrete numbers are unknown because they didn't even bother to document anything)

Attached: 1502332251172.gif (240x287, 277.09K)

user, stop defending Commies.
Commies killed a huge amount of people and were just as barbaric as German Nationalsocialists

I still cannot understand how you let this happen.
Here these fuckers would get BTFOd by the police... and by the people in general, because fuck commies
Fight Bolsheviks in every their form

>Their whole crimes basically consist of killing a few hundred people at their border within their 40 years of existence.

yeah nothing more not at all.

And you’re saying it’s not been a problem?

Watching femen and antifa humiliates themselves in Europe is prime television, but in America!? That’s just weak. Europe should function as a George Soros containment zone.

there isn't a single German who knows how to burn buildings down?

Attached: 1591214174256.png (512x401, 501.23K)

That's illegal, and it isn't 2015 anymore. Now Europe dies quietly

Oy Vey

>No God
>No Country
>No Patriarchy
>Against all forms of antimsemitism
It almost seems as if these antifa guys are aligned with globalist jews.

Nah, they probably use non flammable materials to build their structures. European countries deal with riots all the time, because people get their money from the government every adjustment leads to outrage.

Thing is, most of the fires in refugee camps in Germany are started by the 'refugees' themselves
So yeah, they don't do shit, the only thing they do is clean the mess caused by these people, without punishing them, like cucks

Sort of reminds me of the Nazi building decoration style

I'm not surprised considering germany gets cucked time and time again and losing half their country germans were based until 1918

these people are corporate-funded and state-sponsored yet they genuinely believe they are somehow 'rebelling'.
they're the perfect foot soldiers of the elites they say they hate.
imagine repeating everything big media and big corps say and thinking you're actually making a revolution against capitalism.

Nice try cuck

No go kiss nig feet

burn it down

Proof? Nigger polack

It happens all the time

>60-80 million Europeans

I wasn’t aware it was Hitler fault britian and France declared war

Hahahahaha please tell me this is bait, a meme, a LARP

So they can outlaw all real government opposition so when they finally come for the 2nd amendment they have legal justification to go Waco on the remaining true Americans.

>yeah nothing more not at all.
what else?

It isn’t

Anglos are the biggest cucks on the planet, pathetic

"White cliffs" ate a social constrict

>meme flag
Get the fuck out of here, kike
And learn to read

Uncle Jared citing the most relevant statistics about Policemurdering and Black criminalrates

Antifa looks pretty fascist