Brit/pol/ - Cuck Box edition

>Black actor Alfred Fagon's statue damaged in Bristol

>The UK Economy has SHIT THE BED - 20% DOWN

>Fawlty Towers: The Germans episode removed from UKTV over 'racial slurs'

>Coronavirus: Government sued over trying to kill your nan in a care home,

>Protests threat to Churchill statue is shameful, says Boris "Atatürk" Johnson

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Just read this, interesting article regarding old ethnic groups in the UK and what that means for their political outlook.

>The technocratic, panopticon Eye of Big Brother watches you.

By: Jay Dyer
All the smart dummies, upper class and yuppies go along with and/or join the Outer Party thinking they’ll win, when the Inner Party hates them more than the proles. As I have documented many times, the coming technocracy is not something to come in the dark, distant future, but a present reality. Snowden’s supposed “revelations” were nothing more than rehashed information from years ago that James Bamford included in all his books. Technology is actually 30 years ahead of what is released to the public, and this means the coming AI dominated central system is presently in its reconnaissance stage, gathering intel on the best human opponents through the large online gaming communities. Through all the tracing and tracking, the supercomputers are storing the data for future-predictive algorithmic war gaming. The key issue to understand is that the very computer system outlined in Asimov’s Foundation is now a reality. In Foundation, Hari Seldon figures out how to track mass movements over long periods of time for future predictive programming. While I do not believe that a computer can become sentient, the transhumanist technocracy being erected is more interested in the implementation of a techno slave grid that will massively depopulate and reorganize society. This is why the computer games are so crucial: from Halo to World of Warcraft to Black Ops, the information is all being stored and analyzed for the purpose of creating a system in which human error is unable to bring the system down. The logic of this system is, in a limited sense, highly logical: past elites were unable to maintain control due to human degeneration and mistakes. The thinking behind a technocracy is that AI programmed bots will not err, and the ruling structure will thus never fail...

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England is fucked

i’m so fucking fed up of newfags

eddie let's LARP

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i’m going out for a bit, might larp later

I dont play video games though, they are boring as fuck.

Tin Tin will be next

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Any streams of the protest?

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Not long till the Queen is obligated to wear a Burka.

>based deano gets his motor upto 201 on the M23
>posts it to social media
>reposted by multiple accounts
>police pick it up
>cucks fall over themselves trying to ID the man, the area and condemning the driving
normies hate anything remotely masculine, why can’t they let lads have a good time?

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fuck off pube

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do you live that lifestyle though?


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he says as he responds to stimuli with his thoughts on an internet forum

lmao give me the recognition i deserve

Once again, hiding behind his iron curtain to protect himself from communists.

They should close the m25 every Sunday and make it race day, you buy a days extra insurance then you can drive like a nutter.
Bikes, cars whatever you want to run, nobody gets hurt as they're all going the same direction.

I knew it was you because you couldn't get it to 230mph

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Cool, jump off a bridge, fatty.


Not really a video game though, and I can lie or make up any unverifiable shit I want here..

nah thats not me and what is it with this 230mph shite


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why are you seething mate?

detest people who say poland and russia are 'based'. instant idiot flag.

You don't have it you can't race kid.

marmalade is white supremacy in a jar

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i went from 225mph to 250mph i dont know about 230

i've never had insurance in my life yet i still do you pussyole

nice larp kid.

you're fixating on games, its bigger
i reckon the ai can tell if you lie

so I fuck, my touge machine can’t even hit 150, it’s more of a go-kart experience because I’m poor
eh, motorway speeding is boring to be frank desu, used to daily a mustang GT, you get bored of straight line speed pretty quickly.

wanna know the best thing about twisty single track backroads? No space for police to wait

They’re 24/7 racetracks if you’ve got the stones

why does a 67 spinoff lyric terrify you? is it cos i roll on the backroads and the mains???

In your dreams tubby boy

>my touge machine
you're one of those cartoon watching virgins aren't you

show us your car

why are you larping you virgin?

>he thinks I’m going to reply to him

i don't like any posters here

why do my pictures, webms and vocaroos cause so much damage

I doubt it, unless it can see your face.
Liars generally share the same things on thier faces or their mannerisms.

He was only defending his fellow jogger guy.

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damn...... powerful....

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>he thinks I’m going to reply to him
you already have and are you just mad because you dont even have a car or is it because the car you have is a kia picanto lmfao

illl break your legs cunt

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Lol its Johnny rebel .

seething as always lad?

I’ve posted my shitbox on here plenty, you got upset last time too lmao

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why do you envy my high speed cocaine fuelled lifestyle

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and this is exactly the danger of the bullshit peddled by BLM. it literally puts these ideas in people's heads.

> very soon BLM protestors will be surrounding this cuboid, and images will be contrasted with this image

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>nonce stickers
lmfao incel

My hyundai getz does fifty fucking five and the speakers clip out and give me hearing damage/startle me into nearly crashing if I turn the music up

skid skrt we're trynna get dirt road raid moving insane

i want to move to ireland. i am 25% irish. would i be welcome or scorned

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Why do you envy mine is more pertinent .

This is good. We should photoshop this box onto more stuff. Good joke format. Maybe Big Ben

i remember as a kid my grandparents had a golliwog doll, they probably still have somewhere in the loft

i don't like you. say something i'll like

you dont even have a lifestyle nevermind my high speed cocaine fuelled lifestyle

plastic paddy springs to mind.

reminder: jogger ran the slave trade

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They worship americans mate, it's pathetic

he's done a number on you

Fuck off you ugly twat

i'm thinking of converting to Islam lads

Should put one on Notre Dame.....
Oh no! too late

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You live in a grotty flat. And spend all day dreaming about the things I get up to and wishing you were as hard as me.

>seething once again
>shitting on the most universally loved sports cars adored by drivers the world over
it’s a shame you’re so miserable in life mate

I genuinely hope you find happiness one day

see me striking down the block hitting corners mobbing like a motherfucker, living like i want to, ain't no stopping at the red lights, i'm sideways, thug life motherfucker crime pays, let the cops put they lights on, chase me nigga, zigzagging through the freeway, race me nigga, in a high speed chase with the law the realest motherfucker that you ever saw i'm living raw, til they bury me, don't worry me, i'm high living like i ain't afraid to die

why are you trying to absolve whites of dominating other peoples? seems really pointless


Imagine being so fucking thick you think yank police brutality is relevent in the UK.
How do nogs even function?


sounds like you're the one who's mad because you drive a girls car lmfao

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Can’t believe they’re gonna close all the Paki shops lads because it’s racist.

niggers are mentally children, you think that this psyop is so fucking obvious and lazy, but that's only because it's not aimed at you and me, it's aimed at people with brains that can be molded like clay


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Your whole life is one kid.

>BLM niggers have a slate of "bad optics" chimpouts
>have the support of the entire establishment, kike media, business, etc.

why should I be worried about "optics" again?

alright wog

but i've done timestamped pictures and webms something you couldnt do so you just project your insecurities lmfao larper

no doubt id kweff you

Because you're not their pet golem?

I know mate, and as crazy as this sound sometimes I hope I've got actual claim to the Prussian throne or consider actually getting involved in politics properly just so I have a reason to get married. My grandfather and my granduncle from the other side of the family were connected to the House of Hohenzollern but I never bothered asking or checking in depth just because if that turns out to be nothing then I have pretty much no other option but to die alone, still might try to pursue a career in politics.

I made the same pic earlier mate kek

Tintin is based af

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I love that, 200mph down the motorway and one hand on the steering wheel. I've driven an RS6 before and they are fucking rapid

>projecting again
>same insecure insults again
yeah you posted that exact pic and comment last time too lmao

I’ve done a number on you

enjoy your seething, I’ll enjoy my literally perfect sports car built in the golden era in a style and feel of old British sports cars

l m a o

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Woohoo..Post optic nerve!
Exposing your larps is easier than taking sweets from a baby

better show yours fellow great mind

>Remember seeing pictures of Trafalgar Square during the war where some of the statues are boarded up to I assume prevent damage from bombing and to prevent them being used as navigation aids by the Luftwaffe
>Statues are being boarded up in 2020 to prevent damage being caused by communists and niggers
Let that sink in

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why are you still pretending that im mad though lmfao

not sure how that helps you cope with being bullied

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Islam is a good fit for you because of all the animals you fuck.

cant believe you envy me so much all because of a couple pics, webms and vocaroos lol

>maximum cope

I’m hopping off to nip to Tesco mate, I’ll be back later to make you seethe some more



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I think there other motivations than just having them boxed up to avoid having them damaged.

i literally have an mx5 though so not sure how that changes you being an insecure spastic and having a meltdown over your poor choice in cars