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Why are Slavic men much more masculine than Western men?
Henry Reyes
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Sebastian Gonzalez
Pic related typical western male 2020
Wyatt Thomas
like meds and nafri they have a distinct masculin facial feature, that snowniggers lack.
Jaxon Campbell
balding is not masculine. this has nothing to do with slavs I just needed to point that out, real men don't have shitty oily folicles that fuck up halfway through life making them look like oversized babies
Kevin Lopez
besides balding that dude looks pretty feminine op
Anthony Morales
He's balding and can't have a proper beard. I'm so glad that ain't me.
Jack Adams
They aren't more masculine, they just have more robust phenotype.
Chase Fisher
>this thread again
Nicholas Rivera
Theres nothing wrong with balding. Only faggot will say, "Oh, no, I'm bald, it's so awful."
Lucas Nelson
There’s a bunch of twins in Russia too, don’t lie
Zachary Gutierrez
Slavs and meds live with their moms into their 20s.....
Charles Butler
All masculine western men died in WW1 and WW2. Only the weaklings survived and reproduced.
Anthony Price
There is nothing wrong with balding anymore than there is wrong with degrading in other physical ways. Balding is, inherently, a sign of sickness. No healthy people go bald. There are no bald genes either.
Christopher Peterson
>Slavs and meds live with their moms into their 20s.....
Blake Butler
I don’t think he’s talking about him being bald. I think he’s referring to the absolute steaks he has for trapezius muscles.
Wyatt Richardson
lmao albania
Jeremiah Rivera
Are they?
Evan Stewart
fuck off memeflaggot. All men who face adversity and fight to overcome it become masculine in the process.
Alexander Edwards
Because only the strongest survived the great forced migration westward into Europe ahead of the rampaging Mongol juggernaut.
David Gomez
hoiw are those impressive? I have similar and my only exercise is walking
Tyler Cox
The fact that you're using an EU flag makes me think that you're a Slav in exile, possibly in Dubai.
Benjamin Richardson
Shutup sheep fucker
Henry Nelson
A bald man has always been considered the standard of manhood...
You're just coping
Cameron Ramirez
mainly because doritos
Owen Bailey
Meds are equal masculine looking to Slavs
Both have high testosterone
Nathan Hill
low iq, mogol and turkic blood
Carson Thomas
You are delusional. Baldness has never been considered a standard of anything other than a profound disruption in the bodily equilibrium. Attractive bald people are not attractive because they are bald, they are attractive in spite of being bald.
Justin Peterson
meds are gracile manlets.
Joseph Perry
But can you find a slavic man doing this?
Asher Young
You sound like a faggot who literally only has a good hairdo going for them. Bet you look like a fucking queer
Ian Long
Not this one
David Wilson
average Mongol IQ is funny enough higher than Eurocuck
Cameron Jackson
not woth "moms" but with family. You are supposed to live with family until you make yourown, and in many cases continue living togather in multi gen households
Noah Murphy
they know when to shut up or get the whip when they overlord is speaking
Eli Johnson
Chase Wright
I mean balding is literally caused by high testosterone so...
Jason Hughes
it's only anglos that are degenerate to leave their offspring in daycare and the elderly to niggers
Tyler Gray
Sure they are, mulignan
Isaiah Hall
slavic men are the most cucked in the entirety of the planet they live in north korea esque style of speech only one man lives in north moscow his name is putin the slave owner
Wyatt Reed
W/e Slavic neet
I bet your mom still bakes you tendies and brings them into the basement.
Jeremiah Scott
I live alone in an extra family house since I was 18 mutt
Tyler Baker
no. But she cooks and I eat it with them in dinning room. In basemont I keep wine, olive oil, rakija, pršuts etc
Eli Robinson
lol said the guy cucked by Chinks
Aiden Davis
He cute I want a russian bf
Parker Stewart
An other ''gracilized'' wop manlet Med, as the Amerimutt stated
And let's not forget about Lou Ferrigno who looked like an hungry skeleton
Lucas Miller
>I bet your mom still bakes you tendies and brings them into the basement.
only westie pederasts live in basements but we have rooms
Kayden Bell
Retard, EEF are very gracile. Meds are 80% EEF. Not to even mention average height.
Brody Sullivan
how so? coming from a guy from norway (best scandinavia) you still have your own problems bro
Ayden Ramirez
No way that woman is Albanian. They all look like gypsys