This image is sad but true
This image is sad but true
it's true. .but we need white trash too.. to work at McD and drive semi trucks around. And do meth and stuff.
both retards are brainwashed by jews
get on my level
the left can't meme
Memeflags should not exist.
>source: the thinking atheist
also, sage
I've never seen someone in a political debate respond with talking points from books. EVER.
I have read the Western continental philosophical canon
You should not even be allowed to discuss philosophy if you don't know the Greeks, neo-platonists, the Scottish Enlightenment and the Germans beginning with Kant and ending with Heidegger
How bout you?
Then how come a bunch of lefties cant start a farm but my neet ass can?
your entire politics are based on feelings and tip toeing as to not offend anyone
you are a insufferable faggot
sage faggot
yes that makes sense
thank you now i know why joggers act is such manner
Someone post the midwit folder..
This is true. Realizing that there are different races involves realizing that genes have a significant predictive value regarding IQ.
Nice projection, Chang.
There are bad apples on both sides but leftists are easier to possess by demons.
Btfo racists
>implying everyone on the right is racist
this is what i'm talking about
Me on the left
Its just embarrassing at this point how much midwits try to cope with the fact that they are the most programmable demographic.
it's sad and true that the left can't fucking meme holy shit remove that meme flag I guarantee you're a leaf
Just because you are calm doesn't mean you are right.
>every book is good
that's how you prove you are an absolute homosexual and a retarded faggot
Again, me on the left
Someone should shoop the library brain into the yelling guy and replace the calm guy's brain with a star wars lego set
Which is why African, Middle eastern and communist countries tend too be more racist and homophobic right? Shut the fuck up you faggot
mmmmm yes
the boomerest of boomer memes
surely pol will byob when they see this
yessss it’s so good
Explain Ted kaczynski
People in corporate and academia can't express racism without being fired nigger. I'm going to need a source on that study. Remember to sage bros
define racism
Wow, I didn't know there were that many Harry Potter books
Why is the man with the highest IQ alive today racist then.
being white
I love how commies actually think theyre smart. Its cute.
Langan is currently the holder of the highest IQ.
so he's not white?
that picture screams 'im a basedboy college student and i think i know everything'
you can insert AOC and Thomas Sowell in there, what then?
>socio economic factors for me but not for thee
>correlation =/= causation is only valid for us
are you calling all black people homophobes?
The usual smug liberal crap. Facts are rightwingers read extensively just different books. There are constantly threads here discussing reading lists. Btw we could easily reverse the picture as liberals are complete douchebag golems.
It's actually just some retard larping to get replies.