/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #4141

► Detected: 7,664,850 (+79,751) ► Died: 425,609 (+2,523) ► Day: 155 (-07:14:45)

End of day numbers for Day 154: 7,583,908 (+136,757); 423,086 (+4,951)

— 5,436,178,600 people under lockdown —
— 189 countries and territories infected —
— 23x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 5,429 genomes have been sequenced —

>LIVE STATS/literally WHO

Death from complications 2 weeks after official (CDC-approved) recovery and discharge in SARS-CoV-2 case

SARS2-infected sick for months, receive little support

Discovery of more virulent strain of SARS-CoV-2 virus in India

Second mink to human transmission in Netherlands suspected

Incidence Age Shift to Young Persons (Age 0-39 Years) Over Time in SARS-CoV-2 Confirmed Cases

Study of UK cases - 26% of patients died; symptoms came in ‘clusters’

Rare “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children” cases are reported across the globe


FAQ on SARS-CoV-2 spread and damage

Summary of brain-damaging effects of SARS2

Acute vision loss in a patient with SARS2

Paradoxical dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 by herd immunity and ADE

SARS-CoV-2 viral spike G614 mutation's higher case fatality rate
>sci-hub . tw/10. 1111/ ijcp. 13525
>Thread is fake if OP is a leaf, memeflag, has text, old stats/no updates, does not link to immediately preceding thread, has wrong archive links.


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I feel like we haven't celebrated yestetday's record well enough

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Ivermectin is the cure! Plague's over we can all go home now guys

Yet people keep going outside. They aren't aware of what it does to your lungs or they are fully aware and want to die.

Trying not to be a nothingburgerino but why are deaths still so low?


Um, it's actually double lung transplant that cures it

Remember when these threads went to almost 500 replies and would finish in five minutes? How the mighty have fallen

Praise Hastur! And praise his other manifestation - Kek! Our King will return in 2030! Also praise Corona-chan, the daughter and a messenger of Hastur! Give all your energy to help her acquire her human form and finally teach us lowly being how we should prepare for and welcome our King! Praise the Hastur! Praise Kek! Praise Corona-chan!

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Adam saved us all desu

It's like 1-2k higher then previous highes daily kill count by an infectious disease

We're hitting real numbers today aren't we? I have 8 countries that have collapses in healthcare. Maybe that should be listed in new threads as the countries and territories start falling

at least we are back to more threads than deaths.

Think my mum is depressed lads

which ones have collapsed?

We have over 425k threads now?

any updates from YEMEN? man that country seems to be REKT by corona+some other minor happenstances.

Have you checked the catalogue lately? People are busy baiting in BLM threads.

Yemen, propably Ecuador

not all of us can be fucking neets
grow some balls, you faggot!

Not our foult that election boomers forget things after a month

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the middle east is getting BTFO now

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No people just got over the initial fear of an unknown virus once they realized it's basically a slightly worse swine flu that 85% of the world has nothing to fear of

/cVg/ Report #12 The South Korean Religious Death Cult/Wuhan Connection
>A "superspreader" event at the church's Daegu Temple, triggered half of South Korea's COVID-19 infections
>"Patient 31," didn't get tested thinking it was a mild cough. She came in contact with over 1,000 members during their tightly packed prayer services.
>An official leading the charge against COVID-19 tested +, revealing he was a member after the fact.
>Members are ordered to hide their membership from family and are banned from using the Internet.
>A lot of people are angry at church members who became unable to track after news of Patient 31 broke.
>The infected Shincheonji members were spreading coronavirus by sharing closed-off spaces and refusing to quarantine
>They wore no glasses or face masks, and were encouraged to come if sick
>They were told to lie about being members once they got infected
>Many would not cooperate with the government to help contain the spread
>Shincheonji is also linked to the Wuhan outbreak
>The sect gathered in Wuhan as a secret organization during beginning of the outbreak
>They defied the outbreak by continuing services
>Church admitted to having 300 members in Wuhan.
>After holding services they returned to South Korea with the virus
>Members were also in quarantine in Wuhan itself though some members most likely ignored it.
>A member defended the Wuhan sect saying they worked hard to recruit and promote the faith
>But the newspaper also reported that the member “sidestepped questions” about whether Shincheonji members in Wuhan returned to South Korea
>SK news agency Newsis reported Shincheonji had opened a church in Wuhan last year, but removed it's existence from their website. The church would not comment
>Weeks later, the leader of cult Apologized as Seoul's mayor files a lawsuit accusing the group of 'murder' and 'injury' for their spread of the virus

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Yes. Protest more! Burn infrastructure!

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Every one woke up to the fake pandemic

its control, thats all it is
hurt the economy
keep trump from rallying
use fear to control you
and you idiots spamming these thread are helping them.

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Based cult infected Isreal (and also Italy, but that one isn't as based)

Oh and it's not a fucking bioweapon either with that pathetic death rate, just some vaccine attempt that went out of the lab because chinks are retarded and greedy

Agein, why would the whole world play along? Biden vs Trump isn't realy a difference for most of us

Still enough reason to nuke china

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Besides my report on Yemen the government is trying really hard to cover it up.
>Coronavirus death rates in Yemen's Aden could exceed its wartime fatalities
>Local medical authorities say that death rates in Aden are soaring this year, despite a relative lull in a war that ravaged the place in previous years.
>In the first half of May, the city recorded 950 deaths -- nearly four times as many as the 251 deaths in the whole month of March, according to a Ministry of Health report.
>Those 950 deaths in two weeks in May represent nearly half the number of casualties the city suffered in all of 2015, when the country's civil war was raging.

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these threads move too slow. here since january. I want this to stop... has it? can I please open my relationship up again?

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**Coronavirus Is Propaganda**

**Exposing The Fake Science:**

* Dr. Woflgang Wodarg virologist on what is coronavirus really
* 10 Experts Criticizing “Pandemic”
* 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus “Pandemic”

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I threw away my paper with notes on it. I figured someone would keep track after I listed them yesterday. Syria ran out of oxygen, I think Maximum city in India, Arizona is close. I'll look into it again in a little bit. I had been keeping up with each countries and states' hospital bed capacity and important supplies like oxygen. The science is boring, I'll leave the research papers to others

* Tests give up to 80% false positives and have never been proven
* The tests are NOT proven to show anything:

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my favorite cvg thread ever

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>Every single country is the world got together, creating a fake virus, all to stop Trump from rallying

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>Spain + 502 new cases and 0 deaths lol
Whatever it takes Spain, to make those 6,000 new German tourists feel comfortable to come down and spend their money.

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If 15% of the world died, it might be noticeable.

Another desert shithole with 99% of the population concentrated inside 2cities.

Same scenario as Israel.
>where the remaining superspreaders can still effectively transmit the virus.

* The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test that is currently being used is known not to work. This test, at best, tells analysts that you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. PCR will only tell the analyst that the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus - such as the huge family of coronaviruses. But that's all. PCR doesn't isolate for a specific virus, such as COVID-19. It cannot tell you whether or not you have COVID-19, specifically.This is why you’re hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That’s because most coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.So even if you don't have COVID-19, the PCR test might pick up another coronavirus in your system and give a false positive reading for COVID-19. And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load. PCR is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you, you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if it is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you. If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnoses. And coronaviruses are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have coronavirus DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well. Do you see where this is going yet?

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I should honestly start filtering word "plandemic" because you retards never bring any solid evidence and 99% are fucking amerisharts thinking world rotates around you.

You nothingburger faggots are, uh, "resilient"

Folks need to read The Invisible Rainbow

>viral DNA
goat-fucking desert nigger intellect detected

i am sorry but this thing has completely died down here, it was mostly a nothingburger after all

Gotta git doze tourismbux bossman

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Loving the re-emerging whispers of lockdowns. Really hope we're forced back into one. Nothing was comfier. Everything was so quiet. My bike rides around the woods by my house were delightful. Lock the normies back up for gods sake

we'll be back in lockdown by mid July. Late july if trump throws a real tantrum about it.

then we're mad max by september

>Market going down
>talk of lockdowns coming back
>panic buying coming back
It's happening all over again.

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I don't think it's nothing, it's the biggest pandemic and the greatest social disruption in a century. But it's certainly not having some huge death rate like says, and at this point the spread has been slowed down so much that it certainly won't have much of an impact by the time the year is over. The first quarter of this year, when we didn't know or understand much, was magical and the most fun I've had in years. But as a proper happening, this is effectively well and truly over

They have never even isolated the “virus”
* There are multiple underlying causes and not one single “coronavirus”:
* "Wash your hands and don't touch your face" Really? This is the best advice "healthcare experts" can give us? I learned that in kindergarten... How about teaching people to up their vitamin C and zinc intake? How about teaching people to take garlic, ginger, honey shots for a strong immune system?

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▶ 11,106 new cases and 389 new deaths in India
▶ 9,686 new cases and 235 new deaths in the United States

>Ivermectin is the cure
>"The doses used in cell culture would require 10^4 larger doses in humans based on this data, which does not look promising as an effective treatment for Covid19."
>The main concern is neurotoxicity, which in most mammalian species may manifest as central nervous system depression (may lead to coma or death), and consequent ataxia, as might be expected from potentiation of inhibitory GABA-ergic synapses.
>Since drugs that inhibit the enzyme CYP3A4 often also inhibit P-glycoprotein transport, the risk of increased absorption past the blood-brain barrier exists when ivermectin is administered along with other CYP3A4 inhibitors. These drugs include statins, HIV protease inhibitors, many calcium channel blockers, lidocaine, the benzodiazepines, and glucocorticoids such as dexamethasone.
>Serious Neurological Adverse Events after Ivermectin—Do They Occur beyond the Indication of Onchocerciasis?
>Neurotoxic Effects of Ivermectin Administration in Genetically Engineered Mice With Targeted Insertion of the Mutated Canine ABCB1 Gene

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I just can’t bring myself to care anymore. Everytime one article says it’s a happening, it turns out it’s kike bullshit. That healthy 20 year old with destroyed lungs? She was on immunosuppressants. They gave a set of lungs to someone with an immune disorder in Chicago.


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>Spain is mostly ok.
>Real deaths around 300/day so normal
>Population well spread out

Therefore no second wave

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Florida is finally beginning to get fucked

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Fuck off chink shill

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>based on this data

well i guess that data is bullshit, cause it works, if it gave you brain damage then africa would've noticed by now, it's been OTC there for 40 years for malaria

Why did America unleash their virus upon the world?

Death rates are low because we're in a lockdown
Plenty of evidence coming out showing long term complications in survivors (including young people with previously good health)
This shit is not over for 2-3 years, or vaccine, whichever is later

▶ 12 new cases and 2 new deaths in Ireland

>it works
Very cool, got any sources or data to back that statement up? You better not disappoint me this time.

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there can be no vaccine against coronavirus by the way, everyone's fucked FOREVER

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You seem to be under the impression that anyone here would take a vaccine. Take this shit to twitter.


* The “data” we have is not reliable:
* The death rate in Italy was higher in 2017
* People dying equals coronavirus? An engineered virus? (Nope)

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▶ 1,195 new cases and 15 new deaths in Turkey

>Concerns persist that SARS-CoV-2 vaccines could cause antibody-dependent enhancement, which can potentiate viral entry into host cells and worsen disease.

Implications of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection for SARS-CoV-2 countermeasures

>Dengue Fever, SARS‐CoV‐2, and Antibody‐Dependent Enhancement (ADE): A Perspective
Here, we review the possible antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE) occurrence, known for dengue infections, when there is a second infection with a different virus strain. Consequently, preexisting antibodies do not neutralize infection, but enhance it, possibly by triggering Fcγ receptor‐mediated virus uptake. No clinical data exist indicating such mechanism for SARS‐CoV‐2, but previous coronavirus infections or infection of SARS‐CoV‐2 convalescent with different SARS‐CoV‐2 strains could promote ADE, as experimentally shown for antibodies against the MERS‐CoV or SARS‐CoV spike S protein.

Coronavirus and the possibility of ADE

Paradoxical dynamics of coronavirus by herd immunity and ADE

ADE might be real:
>the advantage might be related to the fact that D614 is embedded in an immunodominant ADE epitope of SARS-CoV, and perhaps the G614 form can facilitate ADE

Coronavirus: Cross-reactive antibody responses

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