PFFF HAHAHAHAHAH the amount of hypocrisy and irony in nazi thought is astonishing. >Hitler was the saviour of Europe and white civilization. Hitler wanted to eradicate the slavs (basically eradicating 1/3 of Europe), he started the bloodiest war in Europe that saw millions of white people dead. >Nazism is the answer man, it's the truth. It's an inherently authoritarian backwards ideology based on esoteric fairy tales and abolishment of freedom of speech and criticism. The truth is that nazism is anti intellectual and irrational. >Who cares JEW! They immediately deflect any criticism with schizoid thinking. Imagine being in such a abysmal mental state that you are willing to excuse and condone mass killings of innocent people. Where are your traditional christian (or pagan, who the fuck even knows at this point you contradicting retard) values, mister Uberman? You are just a mentally ill megalomaniac. >But the holocaust didn't happen! But it did, but it wasn't 6 millions. We are the good guys bro, we don't kill jews. Also gas the jews!! See the contradiction? It's quite embarrassing seeing nazis when they realize that what they preach inevitably leads to mass extermination and when faced with the fact that they are condoning inherently immoral acts, they try to do historical revisionism. Nazis are extremely afraid of genocide but ALSO they are willing to exterminate all races or people inferior to them. What a joke. >You are a degenerate, you are *insert racial slur* The most ironic part is that most of these nazis are LARPERS trying to cope with being shy, anxious, basically their failings in society. Most of them only virtue signal on shitty underground forums and are the exact opposite of what they preach.
Please take a look at this video of Emil Cioran's writings on Friedrich Nietzsche, one of the primary idols of nazis, who was infact a coping loser. You will immediately know what I am talking about.
You have no arguments. You only respond with feelings based one line sentences. You are pathetic. That is the truth, cope harder. Slavs were considered subhuman by nazis, this is a fact. That was one of the reasons they even started a war with Eastern Europe countries in the first place. Doesn't take from the fact that nazis started a destructive conflict that saw millions of europeans dead. Cope harder.
>bongflag >laughing at Nazi Germany >literally would not exist if the entire world hadn’t thrown themselves into the meat grinder for years to stop Germany
>Hitler wanted to eradicate the slavs (basically eradicating 1/3 of Europe), he started the bloodiest war in Europe that saw millions of white people dead. I am unable to see the problem
Luke Edwards
Nietzsche wasn't a nazi supporter that was his wife ghostwriting for him while he was on his deathbed you historic misconception having ass bitch.
Xavier Brooks
Aiden Diaz
Absolute facts OP, the outright autism and mental gymnastics one has to do to agree/support with the Nazi’s is incredible
Asher Jones
Enjoy your Paki slum.
Andrew Hill
When I came here I didn't know what "strawmanning" means either. Read the sticky. You too can learn to make yourself be taken seriously.
Easton Edwards
Imagine thinking attacking Pol made an impact, Pol isn't twitter or plebbit or even fagbook the rules of engagement are different here, you can't cry because some naughty words hurt your feelings
It doesn't matter what you think of Nazi ideology or this Mongolian basket weaving for beginners board...The current ideology ruling over us has utterly failed.
Capitalism mixed with weird liberal Socialism has failed. Multiculturalism has failed. Central banks ruling over all of us has failed. The free market failed us Democracy is a fraud, it does not exist Liberalism is a disease. Our society is in worse state now than at any point in the last 100 years.
So sure point at Nazis...but most of the above was already pointed out by one Adolf Hitler back before anyone even knew that any of the above was even an issue.
Cope posters inbound. I do not expect any form of detailed argumentation from any of you larpers because it's clear that I am right. I'm just glad all of you prove my points. That's all. Let me see the hive mind bug men basement dwellers post some more cope. I have all day. You are missing the point. Nietzsche is the exemplification of all nazis online a.k.a a bunch of virtue signalling coping autists. Also nazis really like to equate their values to Nietzsche's thinking. Nazism has failed, it is a disease. It is a destructive genocidal system.
Jaxon Rogers
> OP is not a filthy paki 90% Bong posters are pakis and other Semites
Hey man make sure you stick around, check the board out. You might learn something, though unfortunately it is filled with other wayward souls like yours at the moment
>welcome to freedom >also say hi to our authoritarian, anti freedom of speech, expression and genocidal ideology lol
Elijah Hill
You're right but these idiots will never acknowledge it
Kevin Howard
Yeah, leftists are always fuckin crazy. Like how the democrat party were the slave owner party, and they still talk down to black people and think they are to weak and need to be coddled. Like fuck, nazis, commies, both need to go.
Easton Baker
Ah, I see. You still believe in a cartoon version of the nationalist that you invented in your head.
Andrew Nelson
picrel is true. Former bleeding heart liberal. Now I'm a "change all u's to v's" nationalist.
Robert Martinez
Did you even look at my picture? It’s shows information from direct NS publications...
David Hernandez
Strange how this board full of authoritarians lay out fewer restrictions on what you can say than prized bastions of liberalism on the web
Shill knows that NatSoc is the best chance we have at saving our countries and our race. What other options do we have? None. It is 1488 or die at this point. I wish it didn't have to be this way.
A lot of it is edgy LARPing but it doesn’t change the fact that 1. Nationalism is good 2. Socialism, when done well, is good 3. Ethnostates, the prerequisite needed for socialism being down well, are good
We’re not all antisemites, and finally
>some fucking limey talking about free speech and abolishment of freedom Have you looked around lately?
>its just ironic >its just edgy larping Why do faggots like you always project yourself onto the entire website
Isaac Rodriguez
They are contradicting themselves. They are unaware that they are preaching genocide, anti freedom of speech, etc. You are missing the fact that Hitler has referred to slavs as sub human in " Mein Kamph ". Even so, actions speak louder than words. You are avoiding the clear fact that Hitler was responsible for the start of the worst war in european history. Actions speak louder than words. Everything Hitler has done was anti-white LMAO. Ah the irony...