All these black people who claim they’re regularly the victims of racist verbal abuse.
Who the fuck is walking around calling blacks “nigger” to their faces?
Nobody but mentally ill schizos.
I think these people are consciously lying to advance their own group cause.
Why don’t whites and Asians, and Hispanics do this (with exceptions obviously)?
It seems to be a thing that only blacks and Jews do
Does anyone else not believe them?
i've watched enough police activity on youtube to just realize niggers are mentally tiny tiny children that through temper tantrums as often as possible.
I'm black and I remember everyone fighting over who's team I get to be on because everyone knew I threw the ball the hardest.These niggers nowadays ain't shit.
>mentally tiny tiny children that through temper tantrums as often as possible.
it really is. No ability to think farther than a few seconds ahead, hence all the retarded running and resisting they do. It isn't like the state won't pay for a kike lawyer to bail em out or sue the county anyways. No foresight at all.
I started blaming the lack of fathers and worshiping nigger crime culture all their life, but at this point i'm sure it's genetic. We should feel white guilt for forcing these monkeys to try and deal with modern civilization, send them back to africa to their huts where they can be happy.
>black man living privileged life and making millions of dollars a year claims to be oppressed
It’s so tiresome
I’m doing it
it's projection. I was one of 4 white kids in my elementary school and they reminded me of it every day
I can’t comprehend how people haven’t woken up to this after everything that’s happened. We have given them every opportunity to succeed that is humanely possible over the past 60 years, not only in America, but Europe, and yet things have only gotten worse. It’s obvious to anyone with more than 2 brain cells that they WANT to live in filth and squalor since that means they don’t have to get a job or pay child support while the state coddles them relentlessly.
It’s more than apparent now that coexistence was a failed experiment that should be rightfully tossed out in favor of sending them back to Africa.
Fuck off ape
blacks aren't oppressed at all. the only thing they face is the occasional nigger to them. them chimping out and demanding "reparations" to a generation that never did shit to them is undoing all that was fought for in the 60s
to be fair to us, we did try and set themselves up back in Africa. Liberia. And then niggers happened lul.
So they're either liars or the most fragile emotional fairies on the planet. Hilarious. Why didn't you castrate these people back when they were slaves?
Because they secretly want people to call them niggers to justify them actin like animals.
Ozymandias. Big cities will be even shittier than they were in the 70’s soon enough.
the jews are coaching them on how to play victim
that's why it is vitally important to remind the dignified african american people that they cannot be anti-semitic because they hold no systemic advantage over jews, and to also remind them that over 90% of the first jewish settlers in America owned slaves
go back to africa nigger
They think it's racist when you can't understand them. They seriously do. Listening to them trying to speak is like trying to decipher what a retard with a mouth full of shit is trying to say.
They are just exploiting a situation and why wouldn't they. Whites in America are weak and fearful, if that can be exploited to give your group special privledges and rights you would have to be stupid not to exploit it. Whites like to preen and strut about how moral they are and how they do the right thing, but really it is all about how scared they are and how they are being led by the nose through jewish rhetoric. If you can not and will not stand up to defend your dignity and rights no one else will for you. You are delusional to think otherwise. Idealist nonsense and appeasment are a coping strategy of a decandent and weak people in the face of an existential crisis.
You're a little off the mark.
Minorities DO get called racial slurs, but if you ask one to describe the experience it'll pretty much always be in an already-heated circumstance when somebody could have just as easily called them 'asshole' but used the slur for added effect.
Doesn't mean they're racist, they're just looking to antagonize as best they can.
oh no his feelings were hurt 30 years ago better burn down every major us city
white wives matter
I believe him because I got called fucked up racist shit in elementary school too for being from a post soviet country (I look completely white with blue eyes). It actually made me hate americans until high school when people were chill.
sorry man, children can be fucking niggers. Everyone thought i was some dunecoon arab after 911, all because I've got dark hair and a tan from being on the water polo / swim team.
Serious fucking bullshit when people hate you for shit that has nothing to do with you. Fucking muzzies ruined highschool for me.
Niggers are inane
>don't say that word!
>Ayo whats up my nigger
>It's a physical pain
This is the justification for attacking people who say nigger. Niggers are so sensitive and retarded that they actually transmit words into physical pain
>Why don’t whites and Asians, and Hispanics do this (with exceptions obviously)?
Spics and chinks do this too, especially the ones born here. They're barely better than niggers and kikes
And boycott professional sports, it's kikes paying niggers millions of dollars they earned from whites to whine about muh racism and muh oppression
My experience growing up in a mostly white district was the 5 black kids got constant special treatment.
We all treated them better than we did others. 2 off them cheated off my sat test and I didn’t even care.
I invited one in 4th grade to a pool party, the kid almost drowned, my dad saved his life.
All 5 married white women
2 become engineers
1 got a college scholarship and now coaches
2 live lower middle class lives
They seem to be doing better than a long list of white guys I have on Facebook from highschool.
He got called nigger one time in elementary school and now the whole country is racist? Lmaoooo
Me too.
I have felt this pride in varying degrees for as far back as I can - at least since the first time I was told I had a BBC in elementary school. The pride arouses me every day, now. It's an emotional pride. It's a physical pride. It is the pride of supremacy in a country that's supposed to be white.
They aren't calling them niggers. Most people haven't bent the knee or washed their feet. Therefore systematic racism exists.
Alt hype showed research showing how
All things being the same a black and white person are exactly them same.
Blacks will rate the black persons 11% higher than the white
Whites will rate the black person 3% higher than equivalent white person.
So racism is the 8% that whites don’t rate blacks higher than they already do.
They interpret every interaction and every rule they have to follow as a slight against them
Anyone who works in the service industry knows this
It's real in their minds
>Nobody but mentally ill schizos
Lol literally this entire board is full of people spouting the word nigger because it makes them feel powerful. No one here will do it to their face though because they are scared. That is the reality. You're all scared.