What was their exit plan after shooting an unarmed men 3 times???
Serious question Here
i don't think the plan was to shoot him i think the nigger jumped at the gun and they had a choice to make
if you ask me he should have shot that nigger 10 times
They didnt plan to shoot him
>unarmed jogger
Sage this bullshit thread
>blm gets pissy these three supposedly went vigilante on armed robbery
>blm almost wants police departements defunded...
>leading to more vigilantes
But he's going to get the death penalty and if not their livesis ruin forever and the killers had a boat I wouldn't change a nice family life for some kind of justice vigilante rant
claiming self-defense was the plan, but it fell through
Dindu was the one without a plan.
Defunding the police doesn't mean some mad max shit and if more vigilantes appear then they just keep fueling the BLM movement so it's a lose-lose situation and once again I wouldn't change a family life plus a boat for that
the dudes went out to chase armed robbery because the cops told them too, so all this talk about community policing would of course lead to exactly what happened here.
When the nigger grabbed the gun he was no longer unarmed.
Kek has spoken if numerals then the war start at the end of the month.
>Serious question here
>proceeds to be retarded
>but it fell through
They are just going to win in court then sue the state for a politically motivated prosecution.
I doubt it
Big if true
I know that you're a meme flag, but I'll bite anyway.
If you're right than they were doomed from the get go, so they could either die as sheep or get some degree of moral victory.
Even if the cards are stacked against you it's better to fail in court than to die on the spot.
They released the video themselves in order to gain sympathy, they're fucking retarded as fuck.
>What was their exit plan after shooting an unarmed men 3 times???
"We're white, he was black"
I mean, if it hasn't been filmed...
the film shows armed robbery running around the truck to shotgun boy, and then he grabs the gun and yanks it forward while fatty has his finger on the trigger. Nog buckshotted himself, but that doesn't matter now.
I doubt they'll be able to sue the state. They are going to walk though.
>Peoples security doesn't wor-
Reminder this is what Antifa want.
Zig Forums must be crazy to actually support these 2 retards.
>Black man shows up to house of neighbours
>Option A) inform neighbours of the niggers suspicious activity and let them deal with it
>Option B) wait for the nigger instead of closing down the property and chase him off, corner him and then take a gun out implying you'll use it if you had to while cornering said nigger while being a hick yourself
I mean come on, niggers should actually be mad for this guy instead of the drug addicted bum. And it's even better for their cause since it's normal citizens and not cops doing it which would make justifying taking matters into their own hands a ton more plausible.
I agree, I'm just saying OP is asking about an escape plan, when they could have just stayed right there and you know.. Done the exact same thing only not filmed it..
They were asked to do this by the police.
They might get punished for the whole citizens arrest shit, but they're not getting murder when the dude is on video running way the fuck out of his way to attack a man with a gun.
joining the Aryan Brotherhood in prison
>I'm kind of the retarded pick on this last week
Did the killers released the video on his own??
My fucking god the inbred meme is real
The dead guy was a black guy. That's enough for most of the Zig Forums kids to say he deserved it.
OP is sliding, he isn't asking any questions. My proposition is the video would be a vindication for the 3 gentlemen that were armed, IF the demographics and current political bullshit wasn't happening.
Second user who says this why there's no info on this claim
how come threads started by faggots pretending to be retarded get so many replies and no sage?
#white wives matter