Would they try and take it down?

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Why do we need statues of people again? Why do we not have more of great people, and not just people that have killed a bunch.

Some people left such a profound mark on history (good or bad) that they have statues.

Genghis Khan wasn't that big of a dick in comparison to other historical conquerors. Cities that submitted were spared and no religion was imposed.

Most "great people" killed a lot of people.


Id actually love to see them try. I dont think the Mongolians would kneel to them

>Killed tons of chinese
>Killed tons of muslims
>Stopped at Europe
Why are we supposed to hate this man again?

He isn't white so he is saint

Why do we need you again?

We don't.

lol he killed more people than the black plague. guy would genocide entire cities and they didnt impose a religion bc they didnt have one

who hates Genghis here?

Yeah I don’t get this. Why are all historical conquerors who aren’t European praised by the west as “tolerant” but all western conquerors are thieves and most evil people on the planet

Right on the first count, wrong on the second. Also that implies there are not a ton of people who deserve to die. Get educated faggot.

why aren't they throwing those conveniently positioned bricks through the windows?

They have to be the most free people on the planet.

It’s only non-whites who seethe. Mongols are bro tier and allies.

Thats called europocentrism

id like to see them try this one

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Genghis did literally nothing wrong

Ok nigger

>Topples over and kills 5000 niggers

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I'd love to see them take down the horse at denver airport, but glowniggers would never direct them to do that

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What is the point of that thing it is ugly AF.

>toothpaste nigger
Opinion discarded

limp wristed noodly arm dipshits such as yourself will never accomplish anything close to what uncle ted has done

*crushes all the niggers*

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American teachers teach this but it’s horseshit, he killed more civilians proportionally than basically any other warlord in history. Iran’s irrigation systems didn’t recover until the 1900s.

You are probably mistaken Iran with Afghanistan. Mongols destroyed irrigation there for being too disobedient and it never recovered at all

kneel to your mum

literally who

mother russia personified

get rekt

Monument "The Motherland Calls" in Volgograd, Russia.

And if you white cuck try to come here and take it down i will horse archer you

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>Genghis Khan wasn't that big of a dick

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No. He isn't white.

Where are our reparations nigger?

would the tear this nigga down?

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2 mongols in one pol thread? Impossibly

If it wasn't for Muslims stopping their advance
we'll all be speaking mongol right now

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are you canadian by any chance? honestly

>Why do we need statues of people again?
Sheep need their idols

oooohh boy but cities that did not submit?

we need some bigger statues over here..hitler ones

We don't.
Op had no real point. We're just in here dicking around a trash thread as it seems we have nothing better to do.

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were you born yesterday? or its just rhetorical

Very woke fellow 14 year old