July 12 2021

>july 12 2021
>US government defunded after calls for a new socialist nation have split it into a hundred pieces
>posting from your moms basement it shitville iowa
>a knock on the door antifa is finally here!
>grab your gun after fiddling with the lock your mom put on the case so you dont blow your brains out
>10 armed men bust down the door and turn you into swiss cheese

You did it Zig Forums all you had to do was wait!

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MAGA 2020

sorry glowie you’re not gonna get me to fight back, i know that sitting here and not giving bad optics to conservatives brings about more change than anything

you gotta learn the optics game

this and this

another OP sits on his ass shaming others for sitting on their ass

feds b faggin and fags b feddin

I'm no glowie I'm a proud leftists on the winning side here to rub it in your face. God i love your complacency i fucking relish in it. You have no pride as a man.

>'m no glowie I'm a proud leftists on the winning side here to rub it in your face.

CHAZ aint the utopia you thought it going to be, huh

Trump literally never loses. Just you wait come november you will pay when he gets re-elected

There's always been a lot of preachers here, begging others to do what they themselves would never do.

Not an anarchist try again. Youre really bad at this.

so what do you think you won in this game exactly?

and when people do take action people like you just pretend like it was a faked event because you can’t fathom that someone would take action and not just sit on their ass worshipping politicians

The ability to do while you all rot away

zog is going to win no matter which one of their actors wins the movie role

the reason i know all of you are glowniggers or commiefags is your absolute rejection of this fact:


start that movement and im inteterested

until then im not taking to the streets like a nigger gangbanger in an age of drone strikes and military industrial complex

Yes I’m civilized I will just wait until jews are removed from power peacefully and they return mass media to white people.

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what the fuck is your brilliant solution for removing kikes?

i just told you mine

You ever get tired taking orders from ugly men with crossdressing and anal fetishes?

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and yet the freikorps fought and killed antifa daily in the degenerate leftist cities for 10 years in a country with the media and government controlled by jews and won

amerimutts are domesticated cattle that are impotent to defend or fight for anything worthwhile

Why are you posting this like i know or give a fuck who these people are? How long did someone spend making an infographic about literal nobodies

wait lemme get this straight, removing jews peacefully is your solution?

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didnt work out too well in the long run

no, i didnt say anything about peacefully
plausibly is more what im after

repeating loser strategies is not something im interested in

how does mowing down a bunch of niggers and college faggots remove kikes?

This is exactly what I'm talking about. The picture perfect gutless worm. Enjoy the overton window shift because it ain't coming back. Your time is over. We won :)

what the fuck are you doing to show you arent a worm?
just sitting on your ass shaming others for sitting on their ass

I’ll take 12 years of freedom over 90 years of “don’t fight back, think about the optics”

Amerimutts don’t have the cultural familial and racial cohesion to fight for something greater than their immediate line of sight, which is why people like you cope so hard with dreams of passive revolutions, you couldn’t imagine putting your life on the line for those around you because you don’t identify with them as part of your ingroup.

I'm a leftist I'm at the protests and getting the world to bend the knee. You're the worm and you seem very upset about it.

thats why you are a nigger

>muh 12 year chimpout plan
>after that, fuck it no plans

i dont believe you

Too spineless to make your own? Not that it matters nothing anyone here does can work anymore. The momentum is thrilling and a constant high for me

so you expect me to believe you are a Nigger Floyd prorester yet also BEGGING for somebody to do some undefined act of war to save some commie cities

>I sided with the banks, international corporations, celebrities, the government and every major institution
>Leftism won!
Good job fighting the power Che.

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>being a nigger is reuniting your people defeating parasitic forces and communists within your country and creating a society that’s incredibly technologically successful and reversing economic hyper inflation and depression
Not sure what niggers have ever done that but I guess it’s just more cope from a mutt in a country still using 40’s german rocket tech to get to outer space.

yes if you only have 12 years of foresight, yes a nigger you are

not an actual nigger because they dont see past 5 minutes

but certainly niggerish

im looking at ways to help my people after my own lifetime is over, not a short lived chimpout that will make me feel good

to do what? vape your juul and masturbate to interracial porn? congrats man you're a winner.

>j-just wait things will get better without fighting for anything!

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