So anyone tracked her down?

So anyone tracked her down?

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Also op has a MICROPENIS


Was anyone even trying?

To pay for the sins she had commited

Edit a Picture of here infront of a confederate flag and claim she was pointing at the ground to trick the guy so she could get him killed. It’ll make niggers seek her out and commit violence



It’s a tranny in Hampton roads

There’s only a handful of gay bars, just hang around rainbow cactus until Bruce Jenner here shows up, smash his car window and jack the registration

Boom, full name and address

An user found her twitter account but the trail has gone cold

OP, I am with you, find her pls.

he/she/it's not even the one that knocked the statue over it was the nogs with the rope and the nog with an axe

the 'they' might be considered an accomplice though

look again, it was the Latina looking girl next to her that did the final kick of the statue to make it fall. She is guilty of constructive manslaughter i.e. committing a crime which resulted in death

Anyone have the gif where the wiki civil war counter goes up by one

The axe nog had stopped swinging, the white bitch was hammercommie posing and the little spic nog creatura was actively the last person to effect the fall of the statue as she kicks it. Yes the rope puller is also to blame but we don't see them.

This. Even though I couldn't care less if everyone there got arrested, it is clear from the video the tranny was an observer while the nog with the rope and nog with the axe are the actual murderers and would be easiest to charge.

Yea one guy said she made the twitter account private but does anyone has address from that so we could try to track it down from there to the other social fag accounts

ITT Day 4 of /polcels/ simping over the tomboy dyke.

Washington and Jefferson are next, bigots.

Attached: sledgehilda.jpg (604x946, 46.86K)

This bitch is so ugly too, and with a fridge body. Zig Forums has too many thirsty faggots.


Attached: SLEDGEHILDA!.png (666x2169, 807.21K)

oh god, it's even better with sound


But she cute though

She should be identified by the end of the day. Really surprised it has not already happened. Trust me, before this is over, the Niggers will pin the blame on her and the white guy who was pulling the rope


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Her twitter

Attached: EE126F46-087F-4AEE-88F4-278F30B5B590.png (1125x2436, 2.36M)

I wanna know what song the band was playing. Its like a GTA bonk sound now, I've heard it so much

And in the background, the logo of the WHITE MAN WALKING FREE


user has made mistake before, how reliable do you think this is



>abolish police

I bet she's calling them now to stop the evil doxers

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For american standards maybe

In a previous thread she was outed as "Sianna Ferguson." Again, don't know if this is the girl or not, but some user apparently thinks that it is.

Look at the top of his head

Well she has anti cop and anti prison system in her name

Thanks for the information. One way or the other we should know soon.

I wonder if she knows how much effort is being put in to blame this on her?

idk, but I'd still thrust my dick in it

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whitegirl and axenog dindu nuffin. it was that middle bitch that kicked it over. Mind you I hope the wrong people get charged and hope the guilty roam free.

Attached: manslaughter.png (627x654, 593.74K)

That would be outstanding.

dayyyummmm. That nigga dead

fucking kek. a nigger killed by the falling confederate statue he was trying to topple. that irony is really sweet.

You can see his skull!!

Could be this chick, she was a nogunz protestor back in 2018

CONFEDERATE CURSE!!! let's scare these nogs, we know they are afraid of ghosts.

that's robin's doppelgänger dum dum.