10 Years!


Attached: Margaret Channon.png (1017x668, 775.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> Investigators review footage from the arsons and videos from a June 5 protest to identify Channon, who had tattoos on her hands and arms that were "clearly visible."
dumb bitch should've just stayed in the kitchen

here you for the archive, but I thought Antifa didnt exist?


Are you dumb? Potentially 10 years. Do you really think the DA is gonna prosecute to the full extent of the law? Not sure who the DA is but if it is funded by Soros like the Philadelphia and StL and CHicago DA's are then expect her to be let go will no jail time. Just look at what the StL DA does. She released hundreds of rioters without charges, she releases nigger drug dealers with felony amounts of drugs, she releases niggers who shoot at people. U run the judicial system you run the country

Taco Ma

>federal counts
This isnt the DA, this is the DOJ.

AHAHHAHA imagine being like "FuCk tHE SySteM!!! BURN IT DOWN!!!" communist revolution LARPer, and then you get 10 years in Jail lmao

HAHAHAH undone by tattoos! Sometimes their degeneracy really comes back to haunt them. LOL!

Tacoma comes from "Tahoma" meaning "great spirit."

Chances are they won't give her the full amount, she'll probably not even be convicted because vagina. Such is WA State. If it were a white man, he'd of already been killed by cops in custody.

She’ll get a month or two and the niggers involved are not even looked at

What else is new in the liked jewdicial system

She should be barefoot and pregnant cooking meth in the kitchen

>10 years
that's it?
you'd put me on 25 for that

She still won't do hard time because vagina. What they're doing is pretending to come down hard while we're looking, but when the case goes to court (most likely will not go to trial) she'll cut a deal and get probation.

Based, but terrible OPSEC.

>wore distinctive clothing
>didn't cover tattoos
>didn't cover the rest of her head
>had said distinctive clothing in her house when police searched it

Attached: 1591903462058.gif (201x177, 1.15M)

Good catch.
These are FEDERAL charges, which means Obama's/Trump's DOJ will go even easier on her

it's funny when you realize that this was probably the real reason why they legalized tattooing

This can't be real, is it??? How?

Foul scrubber

its amazing how they train these cats to dance

Liberal Studies, not even once.

Do I have terrible reading comprehension? I didn't see anything about federal charges in the article. The ATF is helping the police investigate but that doesn't mean this was a federal crime. Did I miss something?

in a different reality
>Tacoma woman accused of burning 5 kitchens

these people think there are no consequences in life because their parents didn't raise them correctly.

It's in the opening sentence:
>faces five federal counts of arson

but Zig Forums told me antifa is above the law

>10 years
police shouldnt be allowed to waste perfectly good pussy like that

Attached: 3c5c7554-3493-423b-a040-09efca7fbdbc-200612_dol_margaret_aislinn_channon_986.jpg (986x800, 88.12K)

They are. They're all being set free WITHOUT CHARGES. In America, if you're against white people, the system loves you.

>thousand cock stare
Get some standards.

>perfectly good pussy
>knuckle tats

Attached: 77314bf6-68b0-4d83-980d-9b2d3c3dc91e-200612_spd_police_car_arson_02.jpg (1115x688, 70.87K)
