Was he a Republican?

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most don't vote in your country.

Idk, but he is a hero

No, if he was we'd know it already.

Coulter's law?

He is now thou.

registered democrat

cop was a democrat, floyd was a democrat, mayor was a democrat, city council was democrats, police chief was a democrat, governor was a democrat

>cop was a democrat

Why is it that all this stuff always happens in democrat run cities?

Until Trump, police were overwhelmingly Democrats because theyre union workers. Most probably still are.

Who fucking cares? Either way, your Treasurer is from Goldman Sachs and you're blowing a few trillion per year to protect Israel.

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His own ass

Name one republican run City with a population over 800,000.... I'll wait...

Hmm good question, it's definitely not because they are democratic though that's for sure. It's most definitely just because it's not a perfect vacuum, just like why socialism never makes it an entire century.

Probably. The GOP would never defend him though.

Shhh, no we need to be distracted by something so we don't notice what our government is doing.

She has nice legs desu. Love the pantyhose

San Diego

Lmao his face. Looks like some gay porn actor expression. Also like a chill dude. This shit is 200% staged and fake. He's an actor.

fake photo you mongoloid

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For you, frogbro

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This is now a trump slut thread

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20 bucks (Floyd bill) that Drumpf is hard as fuck on that pic

Imagine licking her feets

You know he's diamonds in this pic.

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Does it fucking matter?

He used a crowd control move that is not life-threatening to keep an out-of-control person from harming the officers or general public. Floyd died of a drug overdose induced heart attack.

I'm so fucking sick of people that know jack shit about restraining holds shouting that this is some kind of neck-breaking maneuver. It's not. I'm not even sure you could deliberately kill someone this way. The Czech police already disproved it by having a 250 lb dude put his full bodyweight into his knee in the exact same way and the dude could continue talking and breathing just fine and aside from being "uncomfortable" did not suffer any injuries. Chauvin didn't even have 50% of his bodyweight on Floyd's neck.

Everyone needs to calm the fuck down and read some fucking real facts instead of watching a shitty cell phone video and acting like you know everything. Half the country has been burnt down and everyone is calling it a deliberate killing and there hasn't even been a trial yet.

he is a registered republican in florida

If he made ONE fucking off color joke on social media about anything racial it would be burned into our collective vision by the MM.

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You’re in the cash car! A new game show that takes place in the back of my squad car. I’ll ask you trivia questions on the way to jail and if you get 3 wrong, you’ll be sentenced! You have a mobile shoutout, ask random niggers on the street, and at the end we go double or nothing before I release you back on the street. What do you say, do you want to play?

The name of the pic kek
Look at her face she's like, huh oh I'm gonna get impaled by Donnie but we're supposed to wait until after the show

If she was my daughter I would make her pregnant every year. Then send the consanguine kids across the Channel, where they belong

Detroit 1950

he was a glow

Forgot pic. We should meme this tv show idea!

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Don't forget, there's another.

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>white american male
statistically speaking yes he was Republican

He does look like the cash cab guy

Look a bit like scarlett johansson

Imagine licking her apricot then unloading your balls in her belly

He is now

>Then send the consanguine kids across the Channel, where they belong
Based af

nope, liberal cop, liberal city, liberal state

it's conservatives' fault!

The irony is most cops in blue states are Democratic voters

Not as many photos with daddy tho. Think her mom knew?

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white wives matter, his wife was a chink

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san jose CA was for a longass time

Looks like the Gambinos got a ride too

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