>Near 330M people
>this senile dude is running for president
>they couldn't found someone better
When did you realize that the USA is a joke of a country ?
Near 330M people
Truth is, the game was rigged from the start
Yea we have two senile boomers running. One doesnt know where he is half of the time. They will be lucky if he makes it to the election. The other is cucked and does absolutely nothing other than suck kike cock
theyre literally making him imitate trump
act like a retard so hes constantly in the news and the dems get afraid and all go vote for him. worked for trump
Trump reversed an Obama era eo that forced adoption agencies to accept gay couples no matter what. He also has overseen a 70% reduction in foreign born population growth.
He’s throwing it at this point, no one else has a chance
Listen here fat. You dont want to vote for the other biden? That guy.... that i was with in the white house, hes... anyway a vote for me is a vote for biden. What day is it?
funniest thing is that Dotard is still going to lose in a landslide with him
>When did you realize that the USA is a joke of a country ?
Sometime during the bush era, probably around 02. I was 10
They won’t listen, trump is MIGA and he is done. It’s actually sad how trump lost this
I don't know. He seems pretty intelligent for a burger.
>70% reduction in foreign born population growth
do you have a source for this? big if true.
I think their goal was to get home elected and either run a shadow government in his admin or 25th him and then run a shadow gov with the vp stooge, but there’s no way he’s going to make it to the election. They’re already saying no debates. I can’t see him actually winning the nomination.
What's it like living on a tiny island with such a low population?
I would say that this time democrats dont want to win. There will be war with China and no one knows outcome.
Guess it's too late to use Booker. But even then, he'd be attacked for not being black enough.
the democratic primary was total chaos and demonstrates in inner party civil war, there's no one at the reigns anymore. biden is apotropaic magic to bring back the party stability of the obama era
truth and witnessed. plus booker is a try-hard tool who just rubs people the wrong way
thats the 3rd rare af flag I saw today, whats going on?
>already have Saint Lucia in the flag folder
feels bad man
That's when. Colin waving his vial of whatever at world leaders.
He hasn't been on the news at all for like a month. They're doing the opposite they're basically just hiding him in a carehome hoping everyone forgets he's braindead
I thought it was a jew speaking then I realized its his mask
Finally someone who realizes it
it's almost as if (((they))) want a moron as POTUS.
The USA is pretty fucking awesome, the problem is these faggot Democrat Socialists who unironically want to destroy this great Nation just because they are weak and jealous of real power.
>Saint Lucia flag
Hey so if I come to Saint Lucia as a dumb American tourist how hard is it to fuck native girls? Is prostitution pretty open and easy to get? How much does it usually cost?
>the get confirms booker is not black
Nice quints and everybody knows that Booker is a closeted homosexual. He got that serial beard actress to be his gf for pretend but nobody was buying that shit
It isn't about what's best for the people. It's about what's best for the elites. Biden maintains the status quo.
Okay Ben Shapiro
Both candidates are senile.
Biden has legit dementia
I know but there are stages and Biden is winning on that regard. He also had a few strokes
The dem primary is structured in a way that the nigger southerners are able to destroy any chances of a rebel candidate taking the nomination. Niggers will vote unanimously for any neolib that was blessed by royal families (Kennedy, Obama)
Man I really feel bad for Biden hes clearly that point in old age where he should just retire and live out his years and now hes gotta stare down the barrel of the gun that is US presidency.
I hope he picks a good VP and just resigns after a while. Everyone ages differently and I'm pretty sure the stress of Presidency is just not something he can handle anymore. :(
It's Hillary.
He can't even handle the stress of a fat.
Or a union worker.
Cornpop ain't black.
>70% reduction in foreign born population growth.
Google it, i got a hit from a NYT article i cant read because no sub, but it appears to be true.
Theyre running him so when trump inevitably proves that he was involved in embezzling taxpayer money in Ukraine (with a lot of other names) they can claim Trump isnt allowed to investigate him (or Ukraine in general) because he's a presidential candidate. They're using him to buy time to crash the US to hide their crimes.