In America, most male babies are mutilated with little or no anasthesia

Circumcision causes permanent changes (trauma) to the brain and has shown to cause anxiety, attachment issues, and antisocial behavior later on in life. What are the political and societal ramifications of most men in a society suffering from repressed PTSD and brain damage?


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bump. Justice for cutfags

Bless you user.

Thanks based wayne

If this was done with animals, it would have been condemned and banned long time ago. PETA and others would be up in arms.

But men have been dehumanized and violated.

Could that be because anaesthesia is more harmful for babies?

There is literally no possible way that something like that does not cause severe trauma and psychological problems.

Jews have to pay for this.

men and boys don't have human rights in the first world, prove me wrong

Jews lobbied for this.
filthy critters.