Jews are Gods Chosen people

Jews are Gods Chosen people
The bible says if you curse us you are cursed
And if you bless us you are blessed
Your choice

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send them to god then

Hasn’t it been argued that Jews today aren’t the same as the Jews referred to in the Bible

That is code for making a lucifarian/Faustian pact with the devil. God doesn't pick and choose and loves all unconditionally. You are moloch/ba'al worshippers.

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You lost gods favour when Christ created a new covenant.

Have fun in hell Hitlerite

Ofcourse god loves all
But we are his chosen people


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Why has God blessed Israel then?
Is God a Liar?


The savior is Jesus Christ, the synagogue of Satan is real, there are very good Jews, when you turn on yourselves you’ll know it’s his return

Gas yourself kike

low quality bait.
God's chosen are those who follow Christ not those who killed him.
>Revelations 3:9
>synagogue of satan
>only 1 religion has synagogues

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I believe the argument is that the Biblical Israelites are displaced or no longer exist, making the current Israelis/Jews “false-Hebrews.”

I’m not saying I believe that shit. But I’m fairly certain that’s the main argument used by modern antisemites in response to the Biblical “chosen people” stuff

You are cursed

I will bless you with the chance to repent right up until I am forced to slaughter you. I won't curse you, that is God's perogative.

haven’t seen that image in awhile

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Blocks path vile lying Kike

Benjamin H Freedman The Khazars

God only exists in your mind.

Reading that wrong memeflaggot.
Jews are cursed by God.

If this zog government is full of satanists running everything, why do they push laws against antisemitism so much?

How can you be chosen people if you are all just stupid niggers tho? Are you chosen for the short bus or the ovens?

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>Gasachu, I choose you

No they aren't.

They are a cursed race. They've been cursed since crucifying logos aka Christ. Jews have always been the enemy of every host nation.

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nope slavs are

>Jews are Gods Chosen people
This is Yahweh, not God

The people in that pic are at the bottom of hell screaming for a drop of water

>and loves all unconditionally
There is no proof that God is able to love. There is nothing that exist or has ever existed that can be proven to have been loved by God.

I see what you did there

>Jews are cursed by God.
Jews are cursed by the Jew god Yahweh?

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Fuck Kikes lol

>pure provocation
than you say that the jews are doing those kind of manipulations/scam's.

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>There is no proof that God is able to love. There is nothing that exist or has ever existed that can be proven to have been loved by God.
if you dismiss it out of hand, it's rather blatant that nothign can change your mind

fuck off self hater

The Quran says otherwise

>meme flag
Keep seething, kike. We all know you are traitors

Get read for Holocaust 2.0, except this time the gas chambers will be real.

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pedophile prophet lol

Think of it as frequently and vibration. Either way this thread is about kikes being CHOSEN for being kicked out of every host nation.

The Jews that Jesus/god is talking about are the christian white people, the people that call themselves Kike today are the spawns of Satan.

I can deal with what you said but its pointless, go read Isaiah 42.

Sage Kike

Yes. Look how many times they've been banished? Is it a concidence Jews are so hated?

"Antisemitism" is just the symptom of bad Jewish behavior

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בוא נדבר בעיברית קצת סתם שאני אדע שאתה "אחד משלנו"