Can we talk about this guy?

Can we talk about this guy?
>protestors approach him to argue with and ridicule him
>he just shouts back something that sounds like, "I LOVE BELLA"
KEK wtf??

Attached: LOL.jpg (480x360, 19.61K)

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Attached: 1592849612582.png (551x964, 874.95K)

This guy singlehandedly restored my faith in society

he's thinking of the masala dosa idli he's going to have later

Attached: Screen-Shot-2020-06-06-at-10.51.57-PM.png (730x426, 578.95K)

How do you do, fellow niggers.

Attached: 1591469752895.png (288x324, 105.35K)

WTF, is that like the Downs Syndrome division of the police?

It makes me laugh everytime

its the Canadian version

KEK just look at him. someone post the full video because i'm trying to find it again

That guys my cousin. He's pretty based.