Just imagine this union to be in place since the 1950s. And further imagine the walls being airtight and 100 feet high with electric electrocution wires on top. And a zero immigration police.
Just imagine.
Just imagine this union to be in place since the 1950s. And further imagine the walls being airtight and 100 feet high with electric electrocution wires on top. And a zero immigration police.
Just imagine.
If you leave out Belgium, I'm in.
lots of problems:
the uk, poland, and all those baltic shitholes
What is it with you europeans and your obsession with unions?
>Why in the world does Zig Forums hate the idea of a Nordic Union?
Let's be reasonable. This entity could actually deport all enemies of white civilization and stay competetive with China and the likes. Everything else is nothing short of delusional.
So much potential.
the UK isn’t part of it, Poland isn’t, Baltics are cool
>splitting Germany
What would our flag be? Every good union needs a good flag.