Christcuckery sinks to a new low

Christcuckery sinks to a new low.

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>A secular petition to eliminate an ancient Christian symbol
This board gets dumber every day

>Petition says image of St Michael standing on satan is reminiscent of George Floyd killing
>White angel standing on the neck of a black satan
>White cop standing on the neck of a black nigger
>Fentanyl Floyd is confirmed to be the anti-christ

>Christian symbol
No such thing. If you read the bible, the first commandment is to not make images. All Christian imagery is by definition satanic; true Christians don't use that stuff. "Christian symbols" are not a thing.


wow a christcuck who is actually aware of this commandment
thats a first

Kek this actually looks very similar

What? No, I don't believe in gods; I'm not superstitious.


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The 1st commandment is You shall have no other gods before Me