Based... Bieber?


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Looks like a pedo with dat stache

>2000s justin bieber is a little bitch made fun of by everyone
>2020 hits, bieber has become based and masculine, redeems himself by going against metoo
these are interesting times

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>reset modem
>wash face and hands

like every female
the wall was hit

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Dude 2010s beiber did not give a fuck. He did whatever the fuck he wanted

I dunno man if i was known for sucking fat nigger dicks since i was 16 I'd probably not sue for defamation if a woman said i'd fucked her, rape or not.

bieber is still a fag and so is OP obviously

New Beibs is pretty great.

I could definitely see him exposing the predators in the entertainment industry in a couple years. God knows that kid was surrounded by vultures.

based on what

We know staches drive you roasties crazy because you hate whatever you cannot have. Sublimated penis envy.

Yeah. something just happened in the 2010s to him, all that stuff about him sounding and looking like a girl turned around real fast


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He’s gonna look like Steve Buscemi in about 10 years

dude he’s the man anyone who says otherwise is a hater. the guy has crushed more teen 10/10s than probably anyone in existence.

he was the most famous person in pop culture at 11 years old. and his primary audience was teen girls. he crushed.

Vote in the straw poll:

looks like disheveled Rust

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Damn it took him a hot minute to hit puberty

At least they're not a pussy who hides behind a meme flag.

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>those tattoos
>that hair
>70's porn stash
>nigger chain

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Why do all canadians look like snow mexican?

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Kys weeb

Imagine being almost 30 and you STILL can't grow a good mustache.

What the fuck? I love Justin Bieber now.


the amount of teen ass he got must've been absurd. unironically jealous of him

>Roland van Benthem
>Arno Brok
>Ien Dales
>Jan Franssen
>Onno Hoes
>Ger Koopmans
>Kajsa Ollongren (kek)
>Sjoerd Potters

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dont push it, he looks like Freddie Mercury 2.0

He was raped by his jewish handler Scooter Braun and people act surprised when he flew off the handle

I thought the guy was a big asshole but as I got older I realized of course the guy is going to act like a narcissist, what 18-year-old wouldn't if he had hundreds of millions of dollars and the world (and pussy) at his fingertips? How could you not let that fame, fortune, and pussy go to your head if you were a young guy growing up with that? And unlike the kids of the rich and famous, this guy at least earned it himself, regardless of what I think of his shitty music.

That guy must have banged literally thousands of 10/10 broads. It sounds like he got heavy into drugs, which is shitty but also not surprising.

Shut it down.

he fucks the hottest girls in the world.

nigga looks like tiger kings new bf

They grow up so fast..

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Good. Every man who is falsely accused should sue his accusers. Once there's a penalty for women filing false accusations you'll start seeing fewer.

He should also sue for false light, libel, and slander just to have all his bases covered.

I'll agree to everything except for "he earned it". He didn't. The worst part though? It wasn't even his fault.
He started out as just a neat kid doing sappy love songs with a guitar on Youtube and the moment his harpy mother signed him up he got fucked and we've all seen how the journey has played out.
By the time he was old enough to say "no" to all of this shit, he was already too deep in, manipulated and dependent on the brand.