Imagine a world without morals
Imagine a world without morals
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Onion tier
gal gadot planned this
>thinly veiled communists want a song about thinly veiled communism
Imagine my shock
Well done myself.
That put paid to nasal scally cunt. What is it with half casts poaching the brit press darlings.
If they are going to have a faggy communist’s song be the national anthem; at least let it be an American faggy communist.
(This land is your land?)
We are living in an onion tier world, user. Honk honk. Having said that, it is good that that fucker got a bullet.
Imagine beating your wife. It isnt hard to do.
how about this instead?
Do you know how fucking mad it makes me to hear this shit song sang by chinless middle class luvvies after every terrorist attack? Making it your anthem would be a bigger cuck move than replacing, for example, a beautiful Red Ensign with a FUCKING LEAF!
he abandoned his son
I vote for Miley Cyrus Party in the USA
niggers have soooo much in common with lennon
Yeah yeah. Here's the off button.
But you don't care at all so why do I bother?
To be frank I don't look at the American flag and picture the things that should be pictured, I unironically am reminded of fast food, pop culture and identity politics. Changing the anthem to "Party in the USA" would be merely accepting that the US is a trendy corporation.
how about this one instead
He wrote a song...
Bragging how he used to beat his woman and kept her from the things she lived...
Bragging how he set a woman’s place on fire for not putting out....
Entitled... Woman is the Nigger of the World...
>the national anthem should be changed to a song written by a national of the country we emancipated from
His son Arlo is most famous for his song "Alice's Restaurant". In it he calls gays "faggots" which apparently was acceptable leftwing vocabulary once upon a time. In one concert version of the song he tells a story of
>how Russian and Chinese military operatives attempted to weaponize "multicolored rainbow roaches"
That was in 1969.
At least Guthrie’s music was actually patriotic (“This land is your land”).
Lennon (or should I say Lenin, lmao) openly called for abolishing nations, family, and God, and advocated global communism
I think our Hollywood industry that churns out children into entertainment machines that later get addicted to coke and go insane is one of the things that sets our nation apart from other things. "Party in the USA" also makes a nod at that part of our culture with Miley Cyrus being one of our prominent celebrity child prostitutes that made a billion dollars by age 18.
>imagine there's no country
The most faggy, hopeless song ever written.
they make up a tiny minority, there is literally no reason to do anything they demand
Only in song.
As he told a mate who called him out about being rich and singing Imagine:it’s just a fucking song.
Imagine the smell
The one "I'm proud to be an American..." should be the national anthem.
I first heard that while watching the fountain in Vegas and by the end of it, I too was ready to buy guns and eat nothing but McDonalds.
>imagine no heaven, no countries, no possessions
He deserved the shooting.
>Woman is the Nigger of the World
Huh, so Lennon isn't completely wrong. Good to know.
feels like we're back in the ussr, amirite bros?
You're just too much of a brainlet to understand that this song is a critique of how the world treats women and how they (we) refer to what a 'nigger' is.
It's essencally the same thing with Da Vinci and the Mona Lisa ironically (not that the two are on par with each other); it was a one off thing they did, and it then became their most popular work, even though they put more effort and talent into other works that they'd rather be known for.