Looks like Burger King is officially changing their name to Burger Queer. We're all happy for them right Zig Forums?

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So for how long is this gonna go on? How much more are corporations gonna cuck out just to prove that they are on the left's side?
It's like the Stalin speech where everyone is clapping for 5 minutes straight because the first to stop gets gulag'd, all these corporations are going above and beyond with millions in donations, movies about floyd, books, changes in name and style etc....

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Good. I never supported Burger King in the first place lel. Ever heard of "containment"?

nadie come en esa mierda de lugar, aquí puro carlitos jr.

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Que curioso. Mi familia cuando viene a los Estados Unidos prefieren ir a Carls Jr. que cualquier otro lugar.


Honk fucking honk every goddamn day

Sounds like a great way to piss off the hundreds of other cash grab gay burger joints and the gay community by pandering at the same time

Good, maybe so many fat fucks won't eat there now, oh wait.

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Seguro eres de Mexicali

Based, gonna go stuff a dozen of their chicken nuggets up my ass with some honey garlic sauce to celebrate, brb

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>prefieren ir a Carls Jr.
i used to love the portobello burger.
pinche caloron ala verga.

im honking like fuck right now


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>I never supported Burger King
Ungrateful fuck. All the burger kings in my city (Hamilton ON) closed and were replaced with A&Ws. BK was always ready with the Whoppers at 8am. But if you go to A&W in the morning for a burg you have to wait around for 5 fucking minutes AT LEAST because it’s not on the breakfast menu. Fucking waste of time BULLSHIT. BK’s coffee was amazing too.

>There's no TGB outside of Spain
What a shame

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that looks good

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I am never setting a foot inside any Burger King ever again. Queer asses haha

Burger AnalCum

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maybe you should have ate at harvest burger before that was closed you burger chain eating fuck


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>S&M (A&W)
>Cumway (Subway)
>5 Gays (5 Guys)
>In & Out Perverts (In & Out Burger)
STOP THE INSANITY. Normal people do not find this sick shit to be appetizing in any way.

It's in the name

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Burger King fries are the best fries.

Damn white inventions look like that?!


How does he walk like this and not topple over backwards? Such a bizarre posture.

>this is what our customers want because we our top sjw corporate leaders said so
death cult retards they all need to suicide, or sell them all to the ayyyyyys

I have never even heard of that sorry. Maybe if I knew about it I would have given it a chance, but I love the chains too. Always know what you’re going to get.

in Australia we call it Hungry Jacks.


Damn their flame grilled beef is too good though

This is exactly the same playbook, so it's not surprising that you are seeing it.

It's like a Zig Forums meme come to life.
I don't even have a reaction image for this.

The Burger King where this happened was in my home town, they keep pumping money into it, but it’s literally right next to a McDonald’s, and since the lettuce stepping incident, there has been literally 10 customers, it’s a ghost town

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Puro Lirul Sisars

I need one of those and I didn't even know I needed one of those.

Lets see them try in countries like main where we beat fags and trannies.

Bet they know how to put meat in those buns, right gang?

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Man how do you tell the difference between the real beef and the onions patty?
I haven't eaten there since that shit because I can't get a strait answer on how to be sure I wasn't accidentally or maliciously served the onions shit.