Post pol approved cars. Which one is the most based for pol/acks?
What car should pol be driving?
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A classic 911 because they are the automotive equivalent of being conservative.
Looks like a Singer Porsche. Those things are incredible.
A friend has one of these, it's a neat car but it's tiny. I'm 6'-4" and can barely get in it, can only drive it barefoot. Good for short-pants though.
Take the ubiquitous lesbian car back from the usurpers into the rightful hands of yuppies. Also, safest cars on the road currently well overtaking Volvos.
this. classic 911 or some old bmw like an E30. Well maintained of course.
Best car ever made
The older Nazis in my town drove these fuckin thing. Extremely well maintained
Reject consoomerism
Beep beep
What are your thoughts on the E39 5 series? I had a 2002 M5 and I LOVED that car. Right up until some dumb bitch ran a red light and and T-Boned me.
T. Achmed halt die fresse scheiß nazis
For Fuhrer.
A bicycle. For the money your mother gives your basement dwelling ass that's the best you'll ever be able to afford.
If you wonder why there is no bike in the picture - it's because a nigger stole it. And you won't do shit about it, besides going on Zig Forums and whining to cope with your cowardice and impotence.
Take the tank pill
Amen. Friend owned one. Most of ownership was spent trying to troubleshoot what the dealer couldn't.
My Honda Clarity PHEV driven 99% of the time as an EV only. Who needs gas to get from point A to point B in the 21st century?
A Ford truck. You gotta respect henry ford for calling out the international jew
One that is not dependent on the oil industry, banks, or high tech.
Thats just a fancy chariot what are you a Barbar?
Based dream car here.
E60 is superior
Agent smith? This is an Arby’s
Late 00's Tundra or anything made before 2010, really.
Because Fuck Yeah!
Something reliable, cheap and with enough space to carry your wife and children. For sports cars, something that is actually practical for daily use rather than just being a street legal track toy.
like the e36 sadly ruined by turks here in Germany. Still nice cars, i can imagine that you loved that thing.. Gonna swap an e36 engine in my summer car (E30) soon.
>anything made before 2010,
coz coz coz I have a tinfoil hat on
Alfa Romeo GTV6
90s toyota pickups if jihadi fighters are anything to go by
How is driving a sports car conservative? A toyota camry would be conservative
Ok ich fahr nen Bentley Continental du bauer
4runner will last you forever
Go EV faggotz. It’s your future.
Alfa Romeo Montreal
the thousands of spacious sedans ready to go at a moment's notice, usually e-class mercedes, a few clicks away, driven by hakhim and abdujabar, now separated with plexiglass due to covid
or a g-wagen when innawoods
Merhaba amk best car
Any Alfa Romeo with the V6 Busso
Land Cruiser yes...4Runner not so much.
Alfa Romeo's are a beautifully designed, but they have shite mechanics. If they were more reliable I would go for one
>no based Chevelle SS
its like you arent even trying
captcha traffic lights
>worked at toyota
can confirm, 4runner lasts the longest
Impressive height but needs a small bull bar to cover the front grille section
I know you idiots have no taste
I don't even use license plates!
>What are your thoughts on the E39 5 series? I had a 2002 M5 and I LOVED that car. Right up until some dumb bitch ran a red light and and T-Boned me.
Man, the E39 was peak BMW in my opinion.
one of these 3
ok I'll spell it out to you