What movies do you recommend Zig Forums?

What are some of your favorite movies Zig Forums they don't have to be political or redpilled could just be something really beautiful.

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/details/PeanutsCharlieBrown/Charlie Brown - She's a Good Skate, Charlie Brown.avi

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Holy mountain
Wicker man (not the nick cage one)
Kill list

1939 Gunga Din

Starship Troopers
The fascist state is supposed to be ironic but is actually based.
>can't vote unless you have earned it through service to the country
>service is not required
>but no service, no vote
I love the scene early on when the teacher is talking about how violence is the root of all authority.



Africa Addio (1960s)

anything Seth Rogen or Kevin Hart is hilarious

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Zulu was directed by a jewish marxist btw, lol

Snatch, The Village, Apocalypse Now, Platoon, Layer Cake

What are some Zig Forums approved “conspiracy” documentaries? I’ve been looking for them recently but unless you know the names of specific ones, they are almost impossible to find anywhere. Give me some titles please anons.

where's Downfall?

and No Country for Old Men


A great documentary.

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Event horizon,

It appears they make a movie titled chained every other year

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It's not particularly based but just a really fucking good movie

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That’s a terrible movie. The kid literally has magic powers and can fly yet still remains “depressed”.

I guess I will post one of mine Lawrence of Arabia is dripping with Aryan pathos.

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Blade Runner.

Aaargh, I always regret speaking. Don’t listen to me.

I still like to rewatch the back to the future trilogy, I grew up watching those, bit of a guilty pleasure.
Always had a thing for Columbo, not sure if you'd class them as films but they're typically 8p or 90 minutes and I just love the aesthetic, 60's vibe and the lieutenant is based af.
I did recently watch Garth Marenghi's dark place again after about 10 years and I'd forgotten what it was like to laugh like that man.
Other than that, typical shit, Clockwork orange, Jacobs ladder, Primer is a great film if you can get into it.

Have you thought about kys?

Gran Tarino
Only Clint Eastwood can get away with calling people gooks, zipperheads and wetbacks in a mainstream Hollywood movie

Passion of the Christ
Andrei Rublev
The Sacrifice (Offret)
These all contain Zig Forums themes ranging from religion, war, Jewish demons, the demonic nature of women, and the consequences of praying for chaos.

I like the one where you kill yourself

Based movie


>Green Street Hooligans
Simple as

I hate most movies and have for years, but these are all gems and missing from most of these lists. Primarily male cast, or at least place women in thier proper tier. Themes of honor and brotherhood. :

- Valhalla Rising (GOAT)
- The Searchers (or anything with the Duke)
- Jin Roh: Wolf Brigade - I dont watch much anime, but this is objectively based
- Open Range
- The Last Castle
- Behind Enemy Lines

Overtly Asian Stuff below:

- Bullet in the Head (90's John Woo movie)
- When the Last Sword Is Drawn
- The old Zatoichi movies
- Brother (Kitano, but there is a nigger in this one)

Eyes Wide Shut
Fail Safe. 1964 version (better than Dr. Strangelove IMO)

Das Boot (1981)

Essential based movie.

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What life could be like without Niggers in Minnesota, it was once (and parts of it still is) beautiful

Also remember when cartoons weren't jewed?
archive.org/details/PeanutsCharlieBrown/Charlie Brown - She's a Good Skate, Charlie Brown.avi

I mean...do we have to watch gangs of new york? I would prefer not to see DiCaprio. Also, the Lives of Others, a movie about the Stasi, is a must-see.

Akira Kurosawa’s “Throne of Blood,” “Yojimbo,” and “Sanjuro.”

When we were early 20's we'd sit in my friends flat and watch mostly action movies, Jackie Chan films like drunken master, snake in eagles shadow, police story. Other shit, Arnie and Stallone. About a year ago he handed me a 64gb USB with everything we used to watch and they were fun to see again.
Running man, total recall, demolition man, universal soldier and a bunch of old martial arts movies from the 70's and 80's. Forgot how funny and based some of them actually were, even Tropic Thunder would be impossible to make nowadays.

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Great movie about how life is actually going to be in about 40 years.

All of John Woo and Jackie Chan's HK output.

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Sounds based but in practice the liberals of the time would expand voting to more and more people until you have the current situation. Remember we started with white landowning males and within 300 years at this rate we’ll have illegal aliens whose votes count double what citizens do.

Reboot today
>He was your wife’s son Major

>do we have to
If you let an image board dictate your tastes, literally and unironically take a gun and shoot yourself in the head

Also, if you want a movie about the ex yu war, watch Pretty Village Pretty Flame. It's pretty spot on about the happenings in the '90s war