TERF here, AMA

Lesbian separatist feminist here. I hate trannies and "queer" leftism. I support your right to sexbots, just leave us the fuck alone. Will not post tits. Will happily take your legitimate questions.

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>will not post tits
then youre not a girl, stop lying

Attached: are u surprised.jpg (400x400, 16.27K)

You’re a lesbian feminist get the fuck out you degenerate whore. We don’t need you

You know the rules.

hello butiful
pleas show pussi pikture
i DEMAND bobbys

Show tits

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rules are rules you ugly cunting dyke

tits or gtfo
also timestamp

No girls on the internet until proven wrong

>won't post tits

Post tits or gtfo

Don't want sexbot but do have questions. First off - why are you a "radical feminist"?

How can you agitate against the nuclear and multi-generational family in the same breath as you claim to be an anti-leftist? How can you not see your current situation as the natural conclusion to your own revolutionary provocations.

>just leave us the fuck alone
Why don't you start

>Yet more control dogma about irrelevancies

Your gender has absolutely nothing to do with your opinions, you're attention seeking. Sage or tits.

post feet

Women are born women. Kill all gay male fetish auto gynos.

>Will not post tits.
Tits & timestamp, or gtfo.

Ok, I will play ball, why do you think women deserve voting rights? taking into account that they are, on average far more emotional and less logical than their male counterparts.


Repent and find Christ. Learn to know your place is under the headship of a man.

Hi Swedish friend. I am a radical feminist because I believe in the original definition of feminism, which is to protect the rights and independence of women. Our foremothers in the 70s knew that acquiring a 'pedestal' in a male dominated, patriarchal society was not enough. What we really needed was to separate ourselves from men entirely and build our own self-sufficient female communities working off the land.

Modern feminism is a lie. It has degenerated into a meaningless stew of they/themmes, mutilated women with their tits cut off; men in dresses invading women's spaces and silencing our voices; and the advancement and pedestalization of a privileged class of affluent western white females while most other women still suffer under violent patriarchy. Radical feminism seeks to break free from all dependence on a male-dominated society and allow women to take care of our own.

Men are known to statistically far more likely to be abusers, molesters, etc. The western family is a myth built on the violent exploitation of women. We envision a return to a matrilineal, matriarchal way of life, where men can embrace their role as protectors and supporters and elderly women's wisdom and authority is cherished.

t. I.N.C.E.L. Gang

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>Wanting a womans opinion

herbal essence appled

Bismillah, good luck on your crusade to protect the sanctity and achievements of the women gender. We are with you

why is your flag a shitty battle axe?

also what do you think of trans athletes competing vs women with all their natural steroids. is it fair?

Fuck you feminist cunt, your only purpose is to be a meat hole

Fuck off skank wierdo, nobody likes you clowns.

>Men are known to statistically far more likely to be abusers, molesters, etc.

Also true of blacks and jews. Don't forget those statistical abusers.

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Lmao. Larp. But okay.
You fembot cunts only are jelly cuz now your entitled cunt movement is getting btfo by trannies. And you’re seething.
Sharia soon u dirty whore. You’ll be a rape slave soon. Don’t get fat cuz then you’ll just die like a useless meat sack

Matriarchal societies never progressed beyond the pastoral stage because they are too egalitarian to acquire multigenerational wealth. Not only are you supporting a fantasy, you had your shot at honest evolution and you died out.
You seek only to destroy society through radical egalitarianism that prevented your matriarchies from evolving into states in the first place.

kis slit
also pic rel.

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How is the feminist movement not based off of misandry? I am referring of course to third wave feminism. Also, why is it inextricable from pro-choice/pro-abortion? Do you believe that abortion is a rite of passage for modern day feminists? Why do feminists believe that the abortion position is integral to feminism? It has basically defined your movement in the common era. Do you believe that you are less of a woman if you are sterile? If so, how could you possibly reconcile that with a pro-abortion stance? Thank You.

It’s impossible to ignore really, that and lesbian abuse which is found in astronomical rates.

Don't disagree with you about "modern feminism" being shit but..
>What we really needed was to separate ourselves from men entirely and build our own self-sufficient female communities working off the land.
How is that supposed to work?

a) Most women wouldn't want to.

b) Separate yourself *entirely*? That'd be an interesting way to ensure said community goes extinct: It does take both genders to reproduce.

c) Not saying it is (because it isn't). But why *shouldn't* society be male dominated and "patriarchal"? Comparing matriarchal and patriarchal societies throughout history, it is rather clear which thathas fared better.

do you think feminist can co-exist in the world with nuclear familes?

Post tits and say nigger.

Also isnt exhausting being a feminist all the time ?


Why is the lesbian flag an axe and not two scissors tho?

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Do you ever think it’s weird that the overwhelming majority of lesbians and radical anti male feminists are white?
It’s just such a strange cohencidence isn’t it OP?

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Labrys is a Lesbian symbol representing:
> A vulva, the moon, the gateway of life and death
> An Amazon warrioress, ready to fight and die for her sisters - and the castration of any male who attempts to impinge on our freedom.

The debate about trans-identified male athletes competing in women's sports is obviously a farce. Seeing these 6'2", muscular, male-bodied beasts being allowed to compete with actual women, then shit on us and say it's our fault, is ridiculous and only the most brainwashed libs think this a point of contention. I believe that the issue of trans athletes will redpill many people about the true nature of the trans lie.

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>The western family is a myth built on the violent exploitation of women
You are fundamentally wrong. The western family has been a radical elevation of the female in all of human history.

do you think transgenderism is an excuse for male pervs to wear women's dresses and sneak into the bathroom to listen to real women pee
thanks for your time

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Can you guys just beat down the intersection types? I miss when it was just you faggots and big red screaming about penises being evil.
What do you say, form an alliance?

>return to a matrilineal, matriarchal way of life
That has literally never been the case

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>Will not post tits
You could have achieved true equality in anonymity, but you decided to post your sex for replies. Therefore, post tits. But I can get behind hating trannies.

Why do you do what Jews tell you?

Obligatory tits or gtfo. Subarus suck.


Bi-curious Sharpie in pooper

Lesbians are by far the biggest abusers you fucking lying bulldyke.

>An Amazon warrioress, ready to fight and die for her sisters - and the castration of any male who attempts to impinge on our freedom.

>being this edgy

Scissors still would fit better tho

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Are you ugly and old? Most terfs on twitter are Karens in their 40s, never seen a young one before.

post tits

Let me put it more bluntly: how does it feel to be a victim of Jewish brainwashing? You think yourself independent but you are really just following rabbi goldsteinbergs direction, while being too stupid to realize it. As a result you and those like you are being replaced by violent shitskin men who will gladly rape you and beat the shit out of you. The only thing that has prevented that was living in a white society, but thanks to you and people like you, that’s over now.

>still waiting for timestamp

This user is correct What you are fighting for is simply a pipe dream. Even if you manage to create a matriarchal society it will fall prey to a stronger one that is not detached from reality.

the axe is so infantile you should stick with the gay flag and use it as homosexual thats it.
also the amazons which didnt exist supposedly used bows not axes as far as the myth goes.

They cut their left titty (if they were large) so it wasnt in the way of the bow string.

Anyway did you like the Last of Us 2?

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If you're not going to post tits the fuck are you doing here?

>useful idiot

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>6 gorillion meme words
>Will not post tits

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These are the real questions that need answers.

You're alright
What's your age range?

We also agree that groups need their own spaces.
Hopefully they're open to interacting/letting people in to access their culture to some degree, as they see fit, as well as allowing others in that can assimilate enough for the group to accept.

I genuinely wish I had access to thoroughly compounded matriarchal environments.
I think there is so much to the subjective that our objective cultures completely obliterate at the root unless it carries utility with it. There's something very mystical or metaphysical about compounded matriarchal societies.

I do think the west has stunted femininity into a childlike state of mind, more-so, it occurs to this board that the intent is to make them easily persuaded and manipulated when they are uprooted and childlike.
There is a sort of merit to a brat-like mind, as it will intentionally become an antithesis to a structure purely to undermine it either arbitrarily or because it feels mistreated.

Nevertheless, I genuinely want to see various cultures of women, and what they're able to compound in their insular environments.
I think this was sort of the idea behind "United States", "state of mind" or unique states of mind that compound and then reflect the environment. Dismantling law totalitarian bodies or empirical, centralized authority, and instead spreading it to communities to decide.

I find a fundamental flaw with all of this is that people are always pushing boundaries to access more.
Maybe if we were content with accessing different things, as opposed to continually having to expand singular ways as much, we could respect boundaries. Maybe there's a time for each.

Sorry for the rambling. I've been musing over how to make more insular groups work so we can genuinely respect diversity and compounded groups. I'm very interested in seeing a world that operates this way.

why dont you find yourself a husband, you crazy old bat

>and the castration of any male who attempts to impinge on our freedom.
Why are so many radical feminists obsessed with castration? One could argue that that's a form of penis envy.

Why is that symbol the Labrys?
am confused

that gif is one of the ones that stays imprinted on the mind in such a way that you cannot unsee it

>Labrys is a Lesbian symbol
No, it is a greek symbol of quite unclear meaning. That you seemingly co-opted. It's also a rather poor "warrior" symbol, since double axes have never been used in warfare: So it only furthers any stereotype of larpers with little idea of what you're doing. But then amazonians have never existed either so... lol. Overall, larping as hard and tough etc isn't going to earn you respect. You're not men and seemingly don't like men, so why you try to be more like men then?

>you claim to be an anti-leftist
maybe bc she didnt do this at all. she said she hates specific movements within leftism. that doesnt mean shes ant-left

im right wing but i hate muslims - even those are right wing. that doesnt mean im not right wing

>They cut their left titty (if they were large) so it wasnt in the way of the bow string.

What I find most funny. They had to mutilate their bodies to come even remotely close to what men can just do by default.

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>We envision a return to a matrilineal, matriarchal way of life
Primordial matriarchy has been debunked multiple times.

What are your thoughts on the Sexual Revolution and was it overall beneficial or set women back?

Tits or you're a man. Thread saged and hidden. Bot network activated in this thread until you post em. Have fun talking to my bots.

nice axe wound logo bitch, post tits.

>leave us the fuck alone
>comes here unsolicited and whines
you're just like every other woman

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I'm mostly on board with terf stuff. Yeah you're batshit radfem misandrists. But you've got some good things that you say. Trannies are a huge blight on women's rights anyway.

>I’m a woman please pay attention to me

I, for one, welcome any allies in the fight against tranny bullshit.

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>Will not post tits.
That's illegal.

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Shoe on head

yeah men will always be forever better hunters. Balls and everything else men have makes them more fit for physical efforts all through nature usually among all animals.

how do you cope with the fact that lesbian relationship violence levels are far higher than normal relationships?

You know the rules and so do I.

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do you admit that women and men share equal blame for this fucked up marriage contract? if not, I encourage you to read literature written by women from 1600-1950, yes it exists, yes some of it was written under a mans name, yes this in itself is a sign of the oppression of women but it's equally a sign of the manipulative way women use men. Both male violence and female manipulation are reactions to the other.

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Based russiabro you And I are of one mind.

Yes, we can coexist. Radical feminism isn't about changing all of society as it is about creating an alternative, separatist society on our own terms. It's voluntary, not a blanket ideology that would be forcibly applied to everyone. Kind of like your ethnostate but for women. I don't see any problem with nuclear families as long as they are equitable and not abusive. But many women would want to join us when they see how much better and freer life is without having to constantly deal with douchey testosterone-stupified moids.

I'm 25. Almost all of my friends IRL are typical tranny loving, mainstream third wave feminist npc's. I would be instantly cancelled like JK Rowling if I revealed my TERF power levels.

All the more reason for us to have our separatist commune

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No questions just support. Enemy of my enemy is my friend deal.

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also yea OP post tits please!

How do you feel about lesbians having the highest domestic abuse cases and the highest child abuse cases?

We’ll leave you alone when you get the fuck out of this country, kay?

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TERFs ruined everything for real women. We dont want your feminism. Go take your testosterone shots and leave us out of it.

> An Amazon warrioress, ready to fight and die for her sisters - and the castration of any male who attempts to impinge on our freedom.
This never happened. a product of jewish television. women cant fight and never will be able to.

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ancientfag failmeme lrn2alpha