Give me a reason not to vote for him

I can wait all day

Attached: trump.jpg (683x1024, 105.6K)

because you're a faggot.

If you dont vote for Joe, you aint black

orange man bad? jk everyone like trump

There has to be a threat that if he isn't proactive instead of passive in his approach to dealing with the problems the nation is facing, he is guaranteed to lose. He has to understand that tweeting is not a substitute for action. If he does not take any action in regards to the economic fallout/covid-19 response and the outright attack on the collective history of the USA, then he will lose.

Trump is a liberal that ran as Republican. He's just a classical liberal.

I bet you think shitting your pants is a power move.

If don lemon dies before the election, I will vote for Biden

his daughter won't touch my peepee


Trump losing will accelerate the radicalization of white Americans; propelling the nation into widespread ethnic violence which will only abate when an explicitly pro-white candidate is elected in 2024.

>Unironically believing there will be an election this year

The US will be in utter chaos by that time

Please do, I'm begging you.
It's great watching America die.


Failed promises
>Didn’t make America Great
>Didn’t reduce the debt
>Didn’t bring our troops home

More failures:
>Didn’t reform healthcare to make it more affordable
>A big failed attempt to try and be a formidable leader (North Korea, China and other Republican neocons have just been running circles around his administration)
So because of this:
>Failed attempt to “expose the deep state and “drain the swamp”
>Just another neocon in office he is just an addition to the long dynasty of Neocons in the oval office
>Economy still being manipulated by the federal reserve monopoly over the monetary system. (I could elaborate not going to rn)
>Horrible trade deals he is just instigating trade wars with foreign countries
>Shit tax cuts (still high)
>Hasn’t repealed Obamacare (this is an addendum to the what has previously been mentioned
>Is not mature or fit for office

so who else am I supposed to vote for? JoePedo?

There is none really. You have to choose between the orange retard who suppreses real journalism by going after Assange, and still talks about dumb media outlets, Joe the Sniffer or voting

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Voting third party

More reasons

>Is the mitigating factor for political segmentation in the entire country
>Capitulation to the democrat party demand for a government imposed lockdown (which is unconstitutional imo) but he made himself look senile
>Is quick to take credit for an already decreasing unemployment rate prior to his presidency and spewing as his “economic boom” talking point and also for his supporters.
>Still being subservient to the state of Israel for no good reason at all


literally, just dont vote

He isn't Hillary

Show flag

*coarse whisper*
>mmm my beautiful girl

Furthers the Jewish agenda. Married his daughter off to a jew. He is a Shabbos goy. If you’re iq is higher than 80 you should be able to realize he is a puppet for the cabal.

How is this revelant to 2020? Also how is this revelant at all if they are all working for the same people.

You know maybe one day healthcare premiums and deductibles will start to decrease, if politicians in the House of Representatives and the senate would stop screwing around and hampering the healthcare economy.


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Trump's own campaign gave us the best reason to vote for Biden.

Attached: Trump Ad Racial Justice.webm (854x480, 2.2M)


Attached: AAFD255F-292F-4ABF-866F-7260A764FF04.png (911x662, 42.74K)

he is a slave to the Jews, like all politicians eventually become

>mmmmm the fresh scent of the strawberry shampoo, my favorite

>he thinks that voting works
Behind closed doors the demobraps and republicunts and (((them))) laugh and have a good time They are both the same people with a different brand voting is unironically FAKE & GAY

You asked for reasons why Trump sucks, not why Jeopedo is great.

pee pee poo poo.
i won.


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You shouldn't vote for him because he's holding the nation hostage by turning his democratic dogs on citizens for panic votes.
These Democrats and Republicans ass to mouth each other behind closed doors.