Childhood is idolizing Germany, adulthood is supporting Great Britain

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Yeah all that Nazi propaganda the state taught me at school as a kid.

Only when I was able to research and think for myself could I see the the truth.

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state education is mandatory in Germany.

I don't think I'm allowed to support the Colonial Empire of GB there.

Fucking bongs should have allied with Germany.
Germany would rule white Europe up to the Urals. No gays, no kikes, no gypsies, no trannies, no crime, no degeneracy. Pure white ethnostate. With space program that would have taken us to Alpha Centauri by now.
Bongs keep their Empire and can happily rule over niggers, shitskins and pajeets.
Instead thy preferred to suck kike cock and follow the mass-murderer, mason and warmongerer Churchill into oblivion. And lost their Empire. While Germany rules over Europe supreme almost to the Urals without a shot being fired. Karma is a bitch.

yeah but every school textbook from 1933 - 1945 was burned.

Germans can't even write their own newspapers until 2099

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Germany ceased to exist in 1945. Even though we don't exist as a nation anymore and hardly as a people, we still rule Europe. Imagine what would happen if we were free at last.

Polhood is knowing ones a faggot and the other a nigger.

You have no army, and no one except shitty slavs want your EU anymore