Look at that bounce!

buckle up!

Attached: bounce.png (365x337, 33.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Rollin6 for a deepdepression DEEEEEEEEEEP

Remember DJIA recovered 50% of losses before dropping 90% in the Great Depression.

Hold on. Shits gonna get real ugly after Q2 earnings season.

Attached: 960x0.png (960x426, 165.99K)

wew lad

yup. stimulus is running our and the problem of the virus never went away...investors are starting to wake up to the reality.

Vote in the straw poll:

voting third party. both candidates are utter shite.

FB down hard today.

I do believe this.

(((Trump))) is going to rescue it soon with his money printer.

So I shouldn't have bought 300 shares of American Airlines?

Because a bunch of companies pulled ads.

Fucking retard

If you get any financial news from Zig Forums you deserve to be poor.

I'm ready.

>American Airlines
lol they're getting rid of the empty middle seat even though we have record cases...all cuz muh profit.

S l o - m o
D e a d
C a t
B o u n c e


Yes, this gambling with stocks is mostly motivated by mass hysteria over bullshit. Most of it (((manufactured))).

A normal dcb doesnt last for months and months maye but yeah.

dcbs can occur over any duration of time, we've just never witnessed one this big

July 15-30 usually.

Right in time to coincide with PUA to end.

Gonna be a bloodbath.

SQ was a good pick I got from Zig Forums, but agree Zig Forums anons are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

Attached: C6D272CE-CC28-46AD-9F86-AD9110D9DC8D.jpg (498x480, 67.43K)

Every crash is a meta DCB.

>hello darkness my old friend

Attached: 3560737970.jpg (650x484, 23.33K)

Checked but not based. This virus is real and is fucking people hard.


Example: physically fit physician hospitalized with lung troubles.

>dead cat bounce

Attached: 1569410787358.gif (413x243, 50.98K)

R a r o i d

who comfy?

Attached: 1523935093799.jpg (600x793, 394.62K)

It is manufactured. They're reporting cases (postive tests) not hospitilizations.
They're trying to create hysteria.
Let them crash the market with no survivors.
Enjoy the ride.

weeeeeee numbers!

Attached: brainlet.png (190x266, 6.96K)

Finally. A non-retard.

Q2 is priced in already. Everybody already knows it’s going to be a nightmarish shit show. They’re looking beyond that already, betting on Q3 improvement.

Would now be a good time to invest in bitcoin if the stock market goes down?

>It is manufactured.
Of course someone from Greenland would think this. How many cases do you guys have now? 4? 5?


Weird, imagine that markets are discounting mechanisms and q2 earnings have already been priced in along with lower guidance from companies! Crazy, right??

Sucking on the Fed’s teat can’t last forever.
Sooner or later, gravity will have its way.

Too much friction to liquidate memecoins.
How many cases do you have in your town?
In hospital, on life support?
Oh, they just tested positive? Good thing we have more tests now.

Nasdaq punched new highs. Could go either way honestly.

Attached: E302E6A5-CAD2-404D-A2AD-3ECE0FC4FD37.gif (773x1000, 196.61K)

Are you fools really betting against America? Sad!

My family are all in healthcare.

You’re right that “cases” is the highest metric and doesn’t connote clinical significance, but enough people are being hospitalized and suffering critical illness that masks, distancing, and social responsibility are our only way through this and are our only tools to mitigate the impeding market crash.

I have $500k in cash waiting for the crash, gonna retire early thanks to COVID.

Picrel: my operating accounts. Not a LARP.

Attached: 2706561B-35C3-4440-9558-B01FE50845CE.jpg (1125x1121, 294.04K)

Dow has lost 2000 points since the peak in June.

Attached: 9xp9zrdbgmr41.jpg (960x959, 71.46K)

A rare :0

Most companies simply withdrew guidance, didn’t reduce it. Keep buying tho if you like current conditions.