So my daughter insists on dating this wannabe rapper black guy from her school that smokes a lot of blunts,I've told her no and I don't like him because he seems too thuggy,but she keeps lying to me and sneaks around to see him anyway and I don't know what to do.
I think they're having sex.She is 15.
If I told my wife I don't want our daughter to date black guys she would probably leave me, my wife is very liberal and pro diversity.
I don't want my grandkids to be black and have nappy hair.
Is it too late now pol,did i failed her as a father?
Need some tips
Colton Johnson
Jordan Cook
Is she hot?
Dylan Nelson
what a bland, lazy larp
Dominic Bennett
Shut up gay meme flag
Cameron Carter
Roll for you life lads
Jonathan Cruz
Still voting Trump
it's a pasta btw
Thomas Barnes
You don't even have a child.
Cameron Ross
Jaxson Miller
Elijah Kelly
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