Strategic Language Learning

What's the best language(s) to learn in preparation to resist globohomo?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin


Why Arabic? Because you hate Persians?



Arabic is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world

What's Prime Minister Mark Rutte like?


he's alright

Ñoldorin Quenya

What languages is Arabic related to? I know Persian is Indo-European but Arabic may be closer to Hebrew?
I want to believe Esperanto is more than a meme. Can't make a convincing argument to learn Esperanto over a "normal" language though.
I lost.

Ni devas uzi Esperanto por fari videoj en Youtube do ni povas ne esti censorinta?


Is it because the most allies speak Russian or because the most threats speak Russian?

Might as well learn Swahili, you'll find as many interesting things said.

Keyboard bingo

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French and Russian.

Mandarin? Cantonese has more culture.

Even me being a polyglot, I still have a hard time identifying Dutch. Sims talk.

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That's the language of the slaves.

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Vote in the straw poll:

Why is French still relevant when it's not the global prestige language anymore?

Pennsylvania Dutch.

Dat yo mama's native language


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This but unironically. I am surprised non of the NEETs have learned ancient Hebrew and read through the Talmud.

What's the defense advantage? Is this just based on Israel's "political power"?

Japanese zoomers aren't breeding. Why not learn a living language?

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Fuck back off to pimsleur, faggot.

This. Fuck running away to other countries if you're an Anglo, or anyone for that matter.

Do your own ancestors' ancient texts not matter? I'd rather read those than hebraic doublethink garbage.

Low crime, high convictions. We could learn a thing or two.



Not even Latin? Speaking of ancient texts.