You guys should eat a salad

You guys should eat a salad

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>tv tells me america is fat let's mock them

and you know what tv says about YOU?
rape capital oslo
heroin capital oslo
shooting capital oslo

I already ate one today

United States of Fatmerica haha. You get it? Because you guys are fat. Did you get it? Did you?

You eat a dick daily, you pathetic little fucking internet faggot.

I just had a burrito, it had lettuce, tomatos, jalapenos, and onions in it does that count?

Pull out that cucumber from your ass before shilling, yankshit

A salad topped with burgers and fries?

Actually the television doesn't tell me diddly about Norway cause Norway doesnt matter

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hmm how about no sweetie?

senor, no habla ingles

Can do. I fucking hate fat people, especially if they're white. Have some standards goddamn it.

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wtf is a salad

And you faggots keep saying shit like "facts don’t care about your feelings" lmao fucking sad

that wasn't very nice nordanon
some of us are trying to eat healthy but mcdicks is just too tempting

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I had a hamburger salad

Already did. My third cheeseburger for second-lunch had a piece of iceberg lettuce on it.

I spent some time in Norway. Never saw one fucking salad, Lots of smoked fish, pancakes and tiny sandwiches

Sorry you cant afford food peasant

No one matters retard

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Couldn't locate it on a map
Actually sounds made up

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>wtf is a salad
something europoors cant afford

My salarino is $3000. I fucked your mama and never said sorry

NY here.
Care to assert yourself offline? You'd have your pathetic little cunt skull bashed the fuck in.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

Damn, got me there

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Shut up and have a burger.
Your flag looks like a sideways cross.

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Quit being a weak faggot and get some willpower

You should eat a dick

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Burger is better

America does you little jealous bitch

Where are you fren? The city, LI, upstate?

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Nooo not the burgers XDDDDD

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Hahahahaha fat fuck

Yes faggot, YES you pathetic little s.oyboy waste. If you leave your nigger infested shithole and come to Europa CALL me to stomp your bitchy guts out! You don't need a round-trip ticket gimp

fuck you I do what I want

oh say can you see
land of the free

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Israel isn't european.

Guess how I know you're a part of the 44%

>has won Eurovision multiple times
>not European

Oh how I want to spill your rotten teeth you little horsefucking mutant, you little basement rat. I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull-fuck you! Come here. Cmon come here. Cmon, I have a candy awaiting. Cmon.

>nordcuck cuisine

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You're a pathetic human
Kill yourself, no one will miss you, fat fuck

>everything in that meal looks bland
>except the sauce
Wtf is that glowing corn syrup monstrosity.

I think the cows I eat eat salads so I eat like a dozen salads a day

Fuck off kike

haha hamburger go brrr

Yes we have traditions. Your point is?

>My salarino is $3000. I fucked your mama and never said sorry
its never good to lie peasant user

>was on Eurovision multiple times
>this means something to kikes

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You're arguing with a D&C Israeli, OP.

You're food is shit.

I really didn't user. Ask her if you want. She's still sobbing in the dark of night sometimes

Does coleslaw count?

Literally at wattaburger while reading this thread. You mad faggot? It's absolutely delicious

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You're speaking of you're mother tongue is even more shit

Do you know how to read your own language user?

I was on your side until you said youre from new york. Disgusting fucking yankees should fucking die.

I didn't think it could be done, they said it wasn't possible, this man is UNBELIEVABLY based

>the actual state of americans

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I try to eat a salad daily.