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Men who wait forever
Justin Brown
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William Flores
When did news articles start talking like preteen girls?
John Nelson
very political OP!
David Stewart
When is the wall for men?
Alexander Miller
Sounds like a bad idea
Levi Mitchell
The second that millenials who never passed the preteen girl stage even the men started working for them
Kevin Wilson
Money and status go a long way
Brandon Gomez
If you're unmarried 23 for women if you're 25 for men it's too late for you
Colton Moore
>throw shade
>clap back
Same time editors started talking like niggers. It shows in their typos and lack of any professional attention to detail.
Jayden Peterson
Angel Ward
because that's who's working at these fucking fag news organizations now.
Jack Myers
>Pound Me Too
Jordan Scott
It changes depending on health and wealth.
A fit millionaire in his 60s hasn't hit the wall yet.
A fat broke man hits the wall around 25.
Wyatt Sullivan
He's childless unmarried Jewish and she's British. He's been through the roastie coaster. She has a chance with a real man yet defends this guy with fervor loyalty he'd never have for her.
Lucas Hill
fit, career, maybe 35?
Jack Fisher
>holy bible notification
BEYOND based
Eli Lewis
when you hit puberty, slag? if you're not illegal whats the point of fucking a moat pet such as youself
Kayden Gutierrez
>his name is literally Zach Israel Braff
Logan Cooper
It depends on your bank account
Justin Wilson
Ever read one of these headlines and think
>who are these people?
>why should I care?
And then you wonder why someone cares enough to write an article about it, then you remember CNN relies on clickbait to keep the lights on
Robert Nguyen
You version app. It was made in UK, too!
Parker Butler
Based. Zack Braff used to post on Stileproject in the before time.
Parker Lewis
Fug. Im 26 and never had a gf. Got rejected again last week.
Thomas Cox
Only of you aren't attractive. Teens love me. Older women love me. It's not over til your dead. Men have one advantage over women and it's that women are slutty.
Elijah Turner
There isn't one.
Bentley Brown
Am I supposed to know who these people are? Why am I supposed to care?
What a shit article, what a shit post.
Andrew Bell
lol travolta would know
Julian Bell
if you're trump, never.
Adrian Kelly
When I was 26 I had a 18yr old gf. Now that I'm 31, soon to be 32; I still date younger chicks. Older women disgust me, like putting on a pair of used old shoes. You never know if there be foot fungus or in a woman's case, STDs from all her partners, even worse if she is a clubrat who fucks a different guy every weekend. Sadly I never got a chance to take any girls virginity, they lose that very early these days, some at like 15yrs old so I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to experience that(highly doubt it). I wasn't cool chadboy in high school, wish I was but I also wish I would have just shot the damn school up and killed a few bullies or something. Some things in life can only be experienced once and if you miss out, that's it.
Ryder Hall
>t. a bumpkin yokel
Jackson Rodriguez
>one every weekend
my ex fucked atleast a dozen guys the month we broke up
James Parker
who else would tell you, be thankful, not like he butt fucked you, oh right you want your daughters get to gang raped/killed, who do you think bredan fraisure got molested
Cooper Richardson
Well... it is from CNN
Daniel Evans
Why does Travolta‘s quote reads like part of his biography?
Parker Reyes
Past a certain age, a man without a family is a sad thing
Blake Watson
Lol wall, I was dogshit in my 20s when it came to women, broke, no plan in my life. reached a breaking point. And then turned it around in the late 20s....not im in my mid 30s, have steady job, Zig Forumsard and had a collage freshman last year went steady sometime with her. Men build walls,men break walls, don't think about it to much just try to improve yourself and all will come by it pussy or opportunity.
Hudson Cruz
Sounds arbitrary, and I assume you're 16 so 25 sounds real old to you.
Women: When the chance that their offspring will come out retarded, or when their neediness of having a child outweighs any positive personality trait, usually in their mid 30s
Men: When they run out of money
Jack Hernandez
men break walls.
had walls when i was 20s, broke few walls and got a lot pussy