>OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the election is over for Trump why so many shills every day? >OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the election is over for Trump why so many shills every day? >OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the election is over for Trump why so many shills every day? >OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the election is over for Trump why so many shills every day? >OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the election is over for Trump why so many shills every day? >OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
The Simpsons will no longer have white viewers. It should last one more season, then take it out behind sneeds and put a bullet in it. And Seth McFarlane. In minecraft.
Ryder Foster
Now that the dust has settled. Is he really gonna win 2020..
>pull money from social media >no impact on sales >beancounters.jpg >drastically cut all future social ad spend >social media is starved of #1 revenue stream >twitter & FB implode under weight of dozens of lawsuits and no earnings Oh no. Please, whatever you do, not that. This is so horrible.
>All "whites" are colored yellow. >Every other group is given accurate color-coding. >All "non-white" characters will now be voiced by matching color actors. >Uhh...I guess they'll get Philippinos to voice the "white" characters?
This show has been a walking corpse for over 20 years.
Gavin Gonzalez
Asher Green
>there are still rifts between china and russia dating back to the sino-soviet split. I always suspected the split was a deception (as per Antonin Golitsyn) >it's as glowy as you can expect: the police said "no evidence of foul play" but did not rule it a suicide, they just immediately closed the case. I don't know what his politics and allegiances were. Who would have a motive for it?
You know Twitter and Facebook will bow to the mob also, right? They will totally censor anything that isn't approved by the ADL and this is how they're achieving it. By taking away their revenue.
William Hernandez
Isaiah Watson
This poster is wrong and manipulated the source for his own ego and now his mom will die in her sleep and his false prophecies will never come to pass
Brandon Taylor
Seriously, not gonna work CNN. Work on your tribunal speech before you get the rope.
>no cucker >cuckerpede stills makes a thread based on him Top tier faggotry
Julian Kelly
We must thank the woke mob for killing social media for us. Either social media bends the knee and bans whole sections of their userbase, making them small and cutting their advertising funding; or they don't and advertisers pull their money anyway! Its great! Our enemies are too busy fighting themselves in the name of fighting us!
Jonathan Allen
You're kidding me?
Austin Campbell
anyone else just watch BLM mob basically attack Jack Posobiec?
Fucking insane.
Why does Zig Forums not fucking follow anything, not a single fucking thread man, this board really has its ups and downs some weeks. Shits happening live all over th country. No fucking threads
The obvious question is why don't you make the thread?
David Hughes
Caleb Barnes
>OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the election is over for Trump why so many shills every day? >OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the election is over for Trump why so many shills every day? >OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the election is over for Trump why so many shills every day? >OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the election is over for Trump why so many shills every day? >OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO If the election is over for Trump why so many shills every day? >OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
I agree Hitler was retarded. But not like a retard, but like the french meaning slow. Hitler was slowed by fellow whites, the very people he wanted to save.
>banning bump stocks Why do you think you know what the American gun community even cares about? Bump stocks are range toys only. There is no serious application for them that can't be done better by binary triggers. Educate yourself, liberal.
MS L S D is talking about Trump resigning & not running again. The rage’n Cajun predicted recently Trump would not be on the ballot in Nov because he’s going to “quit”.
Josiah Edwards
next youre gonna tell me jews and anglos are considered white. baka.