They are losing and they know it Ignore the shills Ignore the distractions Ignore the race bait Ignore the propaganda
No matter how hard they thrash or how loud they yell, the left will always lose because they are just that: losers. Natural born losers. Societal cycles like what we are experiencing now have persisted for millennia and history shows us over and over again that as these “people” get closer to their utopia, they expose themselves. They enrage people. They try to change nature through legislation. They awaken people. They fly closer and closer to the sun. Yes, their plans are disastrous and can lead to generations of pain but who says your life is to be free from such a thing? People are miserable and they’re starting to figure out why.
Here’s the good news: We have technology that empowers the individual to break their control and stop these cycles forever. There is a historical record (although astroturfed) of all their crimes, their agendas, and their playbook. Understand, now more than ever before in human history do we have access to everything but it’s more than articles or’s a collective consciousness. Not only can you discuss the Chinese communist revolution and compare it to today, but you can take an article and instantly share it with your (awake) friends. For those asleep, they will soon become pariah for their willful ignorance. We are the critical mass and the counter culture. Note the zoomers: They overwhelmingly embody the qualities required to be part of this consciousness. Have people in your life begun to approach you for help understanding what’s going on? I’d wager that to be the case for the majority of us. Consciousness is rising and it won’t stop growing because the left won’t stop pushing.
The left is spiritually and morally bankrupt. History tells us there is only one path: conflict, blood, and war. However, question that path. Its clear that war has always been the goal of these leftists in the first place. Kill your creatives, kill your strong men, break the family, normalize the routine destabilization, and milk the society for taxes, and capture all the equities in the market. Money and power. The losers have started their war in the streets but who is really being harmed? The left and their pets.
So what do we do? What can we do? Leave them behind. Say goodbye to the dead wood in your life and check out. Start a homestead. Work for cash so you can dodge taxation. Start a trade. There are options but you need to be creative and actually try. Live a life with morality. Build a community in your neighborhood. As consciousness rises, be a beacon of truth and people will gravitate towards you. Be kind to the people around you. Build trust. Prepare for conflict to reach you. Be the change you want but you must always stand tall for your beliefs: Gay marriage is a farce, communism is cancer, family is everything, usery is slavery, foreigners will never be fully integrated en mass. They might stop you from speaking the truth but they certainly can’t make you lie.
For the men out there: Some of you will be left behind. Yes, there is hope that you can get into shape and change your attitudes but it’s on you to do that. You are not entitled to free pussy and a family. Be what women want: strong, intelligent, witty, disciplined, and have aspirations. Leave these leftist women to their own devices. Focus on yourself. Pity them as they’ve been betrayed too but they are a cautionary tale past 35. Everyone wants a 10 but looks fade. Personality endures.
For women: from the male perspective there is a desire to have the love, affection, and support from you. We need your help and input to guide us as we reshape society. A man will make you his queen but understand, he has been betrayed his whole life and any hint of doubt you have in him will destroy your relationship. You run the risk of never knowing the family you desire deep down for an entire generation. Young women look up to you and want to be like you...that is until they see the older age groups for what they embody: alone, empty, used. Walk away from the influences. Be strong and find your strength in a strong man. You are not entitled to a family either. Everyone wants a 10 but looks fade. Personality endures.
We are unified and strong. We are good men and women who want to preserve our way of life and remove the cancer that sickens our society. We must hold ourselves accountable to our movement and we will do so through honesty, integrity, and morality. We will never forgive those who sought to bring us down and we will teach our lineage to fight in our absence. We are going to reshape the society that the losers are tearing down -it wasn’t even ours, it was always theirs. Anons, embrace the light and remember to take a step back and reflect on how good things really are. Our future is bright. Pity those who are already wearing the ropes that will hang them.
Keep your chin up through these stressful times. Take solace in the fact that you are the ones who will get to dictate the future. Immigrants don’t have kids after the 2nd generation. The faucet is off. Libs don’t have kids either. We’ve already won. Keep your eye on the ball.
Okay i'll bite, the right has the truth, you rationalize and ignore it but the truth is the truth
Ethan Gutierrez
Tyler Nelson
It’s not about the left/right spectrum. It’s about the truth and the good.
Charles Torres
Do you anons feel the wind? It whispers “.....victory”
Noah Hernandez
The tide is shifting. Shills know it. If they had the upper hand their propaganda wouldn’t be necessary. Israel Bombed us China corrupted our institutions Democrats betrayed us
Justin Gonzalez
Read these posts, help me keep the thread up, or go about your day. Know this: life is good and there’s not a thing that can change it. The pain we feel is shared by so many. You are not alone.
John Collins
Shoutout to my native leafs, keep those sticks on the ice
You’re welcome. Stick around. You are a good person.
Matthew Edwards
Luke Nguyen
Andrew Rivera
>israel bombed us
9/11 or what are we talking about here?
Daniel Parker
We’ll be liberated from their control, it’s already happening. STAND TALL
Nathaniel Cook
Jordan Campbell
Eli Hughes
They will never ever win. They are exposed for the demons they are. Channel this rage and use it to build.
Connor Collins
>muh ‘the left’ >Not a single mention of the filthy subhuman jews.
OP is a massive niggerfaggot.
Christopher Robinson
Jaxon Scott
>muh ‘the left’
Lick my shit, dumfuck.
Adrian Morales
Although I didn’t address the topic directly, slimy Jews are intrinsically linked to the communism and leftism they seek to destroy us with. It’ll never work, not anymore at least.
Ian Rogers
Based and whitepilled oldfag.
Jeremiah Ortiz
Look, man...understand that your immaturity will take time for you to grow out of. When you are down and out, I hope you take some time to reflect on how beautiful the world is. Need a hug, koala bro?
Jaxson Perry
The future is ours. We are high vibration. Positive mental attitude will attract others. Build, anons.
Sebastian Roberts
This. Its a low-iq cult recruitment drive. >real world problems >doesnt matter what the problem is >cult recruiters offer kike dichotomy narrative explanation >its the dems! >the solution must be the other side >come home to Trump user
For their part, I seriously hope that these arent genuine people making these posts and following this line of thought, it has to be heebs as the disconnect from reality is utterly insane in scope. The solution all of the worlds problems now is to apparently do what, proclaim support for a politician?