>be me
>be 19
>work hard on a personal project (javascript calculator)
>have a good-looking resume
>mass-apply on indeed, dice, and linkedin (200 to 300 times)
>get hired for a $120k per year web dev job
Zig Forums, take the web developer pill. it worked for me.
Take the web developer pill
Other urls found in this thread:
Can I learn how to do this in 1 week?
you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
Ive always been tempted to do a job like that but sitting in my house all day would make me kill myself
i am on code academy learning, any websites to suggest?
Transition into backend / distributed systems development ASAP. Front end web development has little career growth and is where all the bootcamp grads are headed. Seriously. And get a CS degree
> t. 24 years old, $220K/year in Texas
Gay fake quote that is not true at all.
Is that the only project you had?
Except you got hired for reasons you are blissfully ignorant of. I’d need a full profile breakdown of you to understand why you got hired. I’ve made way more complicated apps and have contributed to more projects and can’t get hired, I also have a degree.
maybe a couple months but not a week
Web development is a meme.
The hours are shit and if you do one job badly ever your career is over as a freelancer.
Lol I have a literal art degree and got a job developing online sales combo with front and back end
>work hard on a personal project (javascript calculator)
>get hired for a $120k per year web dev job
Your Indian?
I'm calling bullshit. No place would hire a 19 yr old with zero experience for 120k
Its also going to be automated as fuck. All web developers I know are nomore. Web is dead for software development, some few exceptions of course.
>get hired for a $120k per year web dev job
I couldn't afford the pay cut.
ok we made fucking calculator in like freshman year intro to programming
Of course not, specially with a "java calculator" in his resume. Thats likely what the guy told him who sold him the online "webdeveloper" course for some k ;)
To which I reply, "My Indian?", you fucking illiterate Democrat.
What? I work in a billion dollar company in Canada architecting distributed computing solutions, I make $70k/year. Our CEO only makes $300k/year. I call bullshit, there's no way the American economy supports wages like that.
fake and gay.
also enjoy your backproblems and your miserable life due to constant wage slaving and being tied to a maschine.
i’m pretty sure i’ve already seen this exact thread already. The OP i am certain of but the replies may also be identical. weird times.
OK, your obviously not indian, they can read english.
Iam a dementocrat, mind you. Still voting Biden.
lel tech jobs down there all pay way more, the market in canada is dogshit
>you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
two generations of this bullshit gave us blm and the great white cuckening.
Good to see fellow Riders for Biden.
My total comp is 220k as a Google swe. My gf who is also a swe makes a bit more. Granted this is in a major non-california city.
99th percentile household income is 400k in the US.
People do make that much money, they are just generally older.
post paystubs
Your CEO is a moron.
This thread for the 1000x time, every day, demoralizing NEETs. Fuck you.
Fellow FAANG user!
bullshit you are either larping or got "hired" through nepostic connections.
>studied 5 years to get a CS master degree
>Found a nice job, very specialized
>Get paid 40k / year
A... At least I'm not web dev, right
>>get hired for a $120k per year web dev job
this is a lie, but $60k yeah probably
I'm doing a full stack course right now
am I going to make it senpai?
And where does it start?
I hate working as a software developer. No one ever tells you that 50% is trying to interpret half-assed ambiguous requirements and pushing back against the PM's unreasonable demands
Good job user, now get back to work and make some moar mother fucking money
web developers are fucking pussies.
>t. c++, rust developer
I really don't get these posts, is this just LARP? It seems like every American online is posting about how they just got a 500k/year job fresh out of college and that's barely any money and they can hardly make ends meet with their half a million dollar salary and then the actual news reports how the average American has less than $1000 in their back account and would have to declare bankruptcy if they had a medical emergency with a bill over $5000
>immediately boomers out
yet another impractical jewish slide thread selling dreams to simps
> rust developer
dilate developer
>javascript calculator
>get hired to develop web applications
do you even know how to do post or get request to the backend or why you want to do that?
>there's no way the largest economy in the world is significantly better than my economy based on selling resources, real estate and our collective asses
I think that yanks bs their salaries alot amongst themselves
many such cases
I take the coding pill, it feels great bro.
Very hard at the beginning though, but soon it will feel like playing with vidya game editor.
you fucking posted this same exact thread a few days ago.
Get the fuck outta here you jobless idiot.
this is copypasta. nobody on earth gives you a 120k job for having a javascript calculator as a personal project
I would if you were white
I really hate minorities now
Better than frontend. Just work your way into the backend. And move to the US. Canada has garbage salaries
>With a car, you can go anywhere you want
You've been making this same template thread all week, fuck off already.
Why the fuck is the point of a java script calculator? Aren’t they fazeing out java anyways?
You can take breaks.
Google does pay this much but, you will need to have an engineering degree and about 10 years of experience working your way up the food chain. Also, high IQ is mandatory. Every good salary REQUIRES an IQ test just to get a seat at an interview. After that you have to present well to fit the 'culture'. There's no shortcut here and don't bother if you're a low IQ nigger.
My recommendation is to fully master css3 and a framework(angular or react). Be very specialised in front end. Specialisation is the key to time investment / money reward ratio. Make one or two portfolio projects while you learn that are useful real world applications. Bonus points, get very familiar with the common dev tools(IDE, git, etc), don't look like an asshole on your first day not knowing how to commit code into a repo.
t. full stack web developer(20 years)
>hard project
>js calculator