Trump wants to withdraw troops from germany. Not a single german politician can be made to care. But the poles are getting anxious that those troops might not be staying in europe either.
It's fucking hilarious.
US troops in germany
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You can Poland has a treasonous, zio-compliant government because it actually wants the racial subhuman US troops in its country. They need to exterminate their entire governing class.
>poles don’t like Russian subhumans
>this is somehow a bad thing
what am I look at?
Ive supported isolationism for years. Not because it would do us or the world any good, but because the developed world needs a few years going at it alone so they can realize how badly they rely on the security we bring. Dont be faggots about it though, countries that know and acknowledge they need us can keep a garrison (Asian countries and ex-soviet states are generally under no illusions about why they haven't been annexed by Russia and china), but prissy euros and Scandinavians need to see how well NATO and the UN runs when we aren't wiping its ass and changing its diapers.
They'll sell their ass to China, just like the UK and Portugal have been doing. We need to reassert our soft power.
Crypto kike campaign trail.
>Not a single german politician can be made to care
They care. They just don't want to give Trump any satisfaction. America lives rent free in the mind of Germans. They are literally obsessed with comparing our countries and Merkel hates Trump
Putin will attack.
nah. most germans dont care at all. take your obnoxious nigger soldiers, unnecessary nukes and spyware back home.
Oy vey
This. Plus they're waiting on the election results because they already know Biden will undo anything Trump does.
Aegis Ro
Can we bomb germany?
They're practically a muslim country now anyway?
Let them. We can sweep the Russians out of Berlin if we want, but it will provide valuable food for thought next few times merkel bitches about drumpf if theres a column of T90s idling outside her window.
Poles hate Jews as much as they hate the Germans.
Poles still like Russians more than both of them.
>obnoxious nigger soldiers
One peaceful riot has been deposited in your account, Deutschanon.
ok. thanks i guess. whatever thats supposed to mean.
go to bed leftypol
Nice blog post
Lol seethe
Wait, why are there occupational ZOG forces in what is allegedly a sovereign nation?
Is Germany a sovereign nation or a ZOG colony?
>They'll sell their ass to China, just like the UK and Portugal
Yikes, why would they do jude shit during a campaign?
They're still digging up undetonated bombs from the last time we bombed the fuck out of them.
>t. 56%er angloblina zio shill
seethe dilate subhuman g*rman
No, wouldn't have a problem being one though, it's much better country than your falling apart shithole.
Ironic coming from someone from the biggest shithole, zion shilling, and conquered nation in all of Europe's history that overdue for destroying Europe again. Dilate
>being a mutt and calling other countries zion shills
lmao, your president's daughter was given to them, half your congress is tainted your corps and media are owned by them and they also use your campuses as test tube for their nation destroying, degenerate pushing ideas.
And again, not german.
Polish should finish suing Germany for ww2 atrocities and resulting soviet fallout then use the damages to pay US for defense
this. only rich kike overlords want pvt. jose hernandez on polish soil