Okay dudes. Normally, I wouldn’t come to you for any sort of answers because most of you are just kind of unhinged and I’m sure you just acknowledge that you may not be the best people to approach for acceptable, actionable answers
But I’m in a bind.
I need redpilled on this kid Desmond is Amazing.
How in the actual fuck is everyone okay with this in mainstream media? What is happening here? I’ve never seen a more blatant attempt to normalize pedophelia. Someone needs to start rolling these demons up. How is this legal? My mind melted after seeing him dance for a crowd of adults in good morning America.
He is associated with the LGBTP so the mainstream media and the normies do not dare criticise what is being done to him.
This might however have something to do with the increased popularity of radical Christian Steven Anderson.
William Baker
Like the niggers of the Amazon which are preserved to remind us that not all races are of same intelligence, this child serves as a reminder of other nations what comes when you let women and sub 100 IQ "people" dictate policy of your nation.
oh so normally you're not forced to think, but now that you're fucking desperate and scared, you come to your fucking masters whom you've known all along to be superior?
tell you what? How about you MURK LOAR
Andrew Brooks
I'm convinced all jews know they're doing this to subvert the morality of goyim and they achieve plausible deniability through self-deception.
Jeremiah Thompson
>Appeared on a show with homo convicted murderer >Behaving spaced out >Rohypnol was painted on the wall behind him >Supporters denied his act had anything to do with sexuality >Danced at gay night club as Gwen Stefani/Madonna type >Despite the claims his persona had nothing to do with sexuality hashtags started cropping up like #thefutureisqueer in articles relating to him >Appeared on New York billboard with pedo spirals
Brody Murphy
There is no rational explanation... If you know the facts(and you can google them, they dont even try to hide it) than you know its a shit show of child exploitation. On the off chance he hasnt already been molested, I have no doubt in my mind the family will auction his virginity off as soon as he turns 18(or before that, and just keep it hush hush among their pedo friends and fans) As a gay guy, this entire episode is what really made me fucking despise modern gay culture. I dont know what it is specifically, but it seems like since gays got mainstream support(late '00s) theres been this surge to be extra degenerate, almost as a way of trying to tell society to fuck off. Which is fucking stupid, cause around 2014, we got 100% parity on rights... What a great way to show humility and appreciation... By taking every opportunity to make the community look horrible. Oh, and i hate trannies, and the alphabet soup that gay rights has become. Gay rights in the 90's made sense... LGBTQIAA2SLMNOP++ rights in 2020(and even 2010) is just loony.
Charles Bailey
Only a pedophile would create a thread like this
James Jackson
God it’s sad how ghoulish and unhealthy this kid looks at such a young age
Chase Bailey
oh, and just as proof that this isnt an 'american' thing, we have our own exploited child sex victim in Canada too. He goes by Lactatia, and i think he was actually getting attention before desmond. Look at his dad in this pic, and just try to tell me there isnt sexual abuse going on in that family...
The Boomer god is their TV. If it says it's okay, than it is.
This is not a joke. They abandoned their God, Family, and Country based on TV morals. They think they are a character. That's why they pause after they tell a joke. They are waiting for the laugh track.
There is no reasonable explanation for this shit other than msm is too scared to speak out because they want to appear woke this is what happens when we glorify degeneracy like pride and let kids be involved >pic related
these mentally ill men have stangers kids on their lap while they crossdress, which is a fetish why is this ok? I don't know
Elijah Adams
I'm a fag living under a rock so I didn't know this kid existed, I just read up about this and I genuinely want to throw up. I hate other fags so goddamn much
Ryder Young
Go to Kiwi Farms
Leo Foster
legit looks like he has SUPER AIDS but not as bad as OP
Lucas Robinson
>This might however have something to do with the increased popularity of radical Christian Steven Anderson. mfw Bible says being a faggot is a sin and you blame Christians
Nathan Powell
Look at his FUCKING EYES and tell me that's not a sign of fucking ABUSE. What in the hell happened to this poor little bastard before the media/world got ahold of him? He's going to be dead before he's 20. Screenshot it. We all know it's true.
Brody Foster
You've heard about anti-semitism since you were a kid. You brushed it off as hate or racism and didn't look into it. Why not look into it?
I’m starting to see why rainbows have been associated with all childish media and now the LGBT community covers themselves in them to draw children near far and wide during the pride parades... Truly sickening.
Elijah Mitchell
>it seems like since gays got mainstream support(late '00s) theres been this surge to be extra degenerate, almost as a way of trying to tell society to fuck off. Which is fucking stupid, cause around 2014, we got 100% parity on rights... Almost as if being gay isn't a sexuality, but a set of antisocial behaviors adopted as an aggressive rejection of the society. That would explain why such behaviors are skyrocketing as society is becoming more unlivable and rejectable.
Colton Bailey
mom is obsessed with ru paul's drag race, starts pushing that shit onto his kid from a young age. it’s like when you were 7 and emulated what you saw on your favorite cartoons. except it’s a show filled with grown gay men engaging in sexualized acts and being generally not very family friendly. im pretty sure his mom is obsessed with gay men and wants to somehow make her way into the scene through her child, ignoring the fact that she’s putting her child in a situation that could put him in danger of being sexually abused.
Jaxon Rogers
LGBT is above criticism
Austin Flores
Jews have severe mental health problems.
Hunter Collins
>And then one day, for no reason at all...
The jews are normalizing homosexual pedophilia. Any other questions?
Jordan Wright
Dude I’ve thought Lactatia and Desmond were the same person this whole time... wtf