How do you react when you a mixed race couple in public?

How do you react when you a mixed race couple in public?

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I am part of a mixed race couple, I'm indian and my girlfriend is white

>How do you react
I don't

Angry poltard whitebois seething

My gf is asian. I'm white. I live in a 80% asian city. IT's not a problem

Heeya hooya heeya hooya

I do a spinkick to the chick, and then I teleport behind the guy and real cool like I say
>nothing personal kid
Then I tip my fedora with one hand and slice him in half with my IRL innuyasha replica katana with the other hand.

Shit is so cash.

based pajeet

You had one job and fucked it up

My wife is Asian and waitresses always ask on cheque or two lol