How are you holding up friends

How are you coping with this year mentally ?

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Goddamn I want a max payne 4 so bad

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Yes me too

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I never understood the ending to Max Payne 3. Did he end up taking Fabiana's ransom money for himself? Is that what the duffel bag was?


Max Payne 3 was the best movie I've ever played.

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This year has been amazing. If anyone understood the importance of times like these it should be Zig Forums. You knew going in we had to break some eggs.

I use to get so fucked up on whiskey and pain pills when I played that game

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I scream a lot. I just freak out and start cleaning myself. I've stopped talking to people. I'm barely keeping it together.


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It really is a fucking movie.

born in a destroyed kingdom the only option is to build it up again

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I like to get fucked up on pain meds and booze and watch all the cut scenes is that based or autism

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>How are you coping
I'm doing well enough, I suppose. I have spiritual beliefs which give me strength when I truly need it. Also, I recently recognized that I was on the way to becoming an alcoholic and stopped drinking altogether before it became much more difficult to stop, which was wise.

I understand you and wish you the best.

I feel like his story is done at this point. Let him rest.

Keep strong guys and keep positive. There is always something down the road. I will open a cold beer and drink to you guys

Fed up. I was "lucky" enough to be deemed essential so I've been working 40+ hours a week throughout the pandemic while pretty much everyone I know got laid off and got to collect more money than me to sit on their asses and do nothing. All I want is concert venus/clubs/bars to open back up so I can get back to gigging with my band but now it seems like everything is about to ramp back up again.

I'm just tired and bitter that I didn't get to benefit from this pandemic at all. I could've really used the paid 3 month vacation.

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Let's just say I'm glad I'm already a fan of Schopenhauer.

How much longer until we can murder white people without consequence?

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I’ve decided to let God handle this for now because if I do, there will be blood.

I don't give a fuck as long as I got my vidya and Anime.

why does nobody ever answer my question

I have no idea prolly did

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Trying to find inner peace and not let all of this hell win over me and black pill me.
Started getting in shape and running this year which has changed my life and I recommend it very much. Quit porn as well which feels like a personal victory as I've been crutching off of it since being a child. I've tried nofap but lately I've just been masturbating like once a week which in my mind is a great improvement considering I used to do it about 3-4 times a day to porn.

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A couple hours ago, I stuck a gun in my mouth and then thought better of the idea. Now I am disgusted with myself that I didn't do the deed and complete at least one meaningful task today. But my schizoid histrionics are an internal matter that is more or less unrelated to larger events. Probably a pretty typical sentiment here.

Fucking based

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Thank you.

I want to murder my neighbor.

I think the first time I cried this year was one of those YouTuber covid YouTube ads. He said something about staying happy and healthy and it just hit me how far gone I am. My face had started moving involuntarily about a week before. Like 99.9 percent of all my movements are my spine.

And then the most recent time I cried was about 15 minutes ago because my symptoms don't exist anywhere on the internet and no pill has ever changed them.


I take Prozac marijuana and muscle relaxers

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I could use some of that right about now

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>The All-Seeing Omnipotent One
>45,621,967,478,845,621 chess strategy

It gets easier, there will be plenty of time to rest when death comes. Until then witness the shifting of the poles.

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