Was he a plant the entire time?
Was he a plant the entire time?
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I think that when Steve Bannon was a major force in his campaign and whitehouse, that was what was showing through as genuine, and that's where all the positivity of his 2016 campaign came from. He got elected, filled his cabinet with swampfaggots, and fired Bannon. He gave America nothing. He took, took, took. I can't say I'm surprised, but as always, I honestly hoped that he would be "the one" that would come along and make everything better. Kek, I even hoped that with Obama in '08, though I knew back then too that Obama would end up being a satanic, sociopathic evil. Trump is no better, though.
I miss him bros
I genuinely have no idea what to think anymore. Trump must have some “role” in the virus and these riots and all. I mean, if (((they))) wanted him gone so badly, why not just JFK the guy? It would have been so much simpler.
This is now roll for girl thread
If he was than we all might as well kill ourselves.
No, but he haunts your dreams because you're a faggot who can't spend a single day without REEEEEing over him.
The next 4 years are going to have you planning your suicide, and I'm fine with that, nigger.
>Was he a plant the entire time?
He was a counterweight that was supposed to take a dive in the 12th round. Majestically he won tho.