Who here /40ozpilled/

Who here /40ozpilled/

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go back to the ghetto.

Down here they are called cauwamas. Not into beer or malt liquor, but smoking a j.

Cheers, OP

gross. just buy regular beer. take the budweiser pill.

Get on my level, pleb. Seagram's Spiked, still 8% ABV, taste like Kool-Aid, no malty shit aftertaste, the patrician choice for getting a nice buzz. $2.19 for a 24 oz. can, can't go wrong with that.

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Is this the new 4loko?

>Taste like koolaid
You must be some rich nigga


whats not to like?

>fag juice

Hopped cider is like drinking water

High IQ post

Not since I was a kid. Grow up faggot.

Maryjewana is my vice of choice

I’m not a poor nigger who has to resort to drinking malt liquor in order to get drunk.

Not today satan .

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Isn't that every TCAP's guest drink of choice, second to Mike's hard Lemonade?

the tall boys are a better deal and everything tastes better from a can

Malt liquor was a working class white mans drink but was co-oped by the negroes

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Are you feeling it Mr Krabs?
Are you feeling it Mr Krabs?
Are you feeling it Mr Krabs?

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I've compared the price per ounce and 40s are cheaper in my area.
I switched to vodka because it was cheaper than 40s though...


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>Who here /40ozpilled/
>go back to the ghetto.
Just because someone likes malted liquor, it doesn't make you a nigger. You should try it when you turn 21, bud.

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Nice nigger drugs, white boy.

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Pic related is the choice of the true alcoholic. Only $2 at my local 7-11

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this post is offtopic

Is it just instant?

I bet they’re 290+ calories

I quit drinking recently when I realized I was an alcoholic. The last straw was waking up and realizing a drunkenly ate two raw steaks.

FUCK jannies

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Yep, no smell also super discrete it’s awesome

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Meh I found a delicious cranberry hard seltzer that isn’t hell on the calories. Though if I don’t mind the calories I prefer local ciders 1911 has a cranberry one that is my jam


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>posts steel reserve
>claims to not be black

ngl pretty jealous. Still in a non legal state and my main dude out of town, and as a public transportation rider didn't feel like treking across town to my backup or going across the river to the neighboring legal state's one rec shop serving a metro area of 2.4M people who overcharge like a bitch.

And the shit going around the bus stops is hella mildewey and I fucking hate that shit.

Most of my calories.

One of these and two shots of vodka and I’m good

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who the fuck consumes this shit

Kys you white trash nigger, you have no idea how horrible that beer and its factories really are. Budweiser is owned and run by Brazilian jews too fyi.


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