Feelin scared yet? Your women are already the personal property of our BBC's. Its just you white bois left now
We're comin for u, white boi
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Very kosher thread.
nice body armor you have there, dumbass.
Black women literally never leave me alone. Why do they pester me so oft? I don't make much money and I'm not very swole. Nevertheless, I can rely always on black women for fellation.
>low IQ
>higher rate of obesity
>riddled with STDs
>self-worth derived from staged pornography
Must be nog'o'clock.
Can stop a bullet
We don't need anymore nigger big shots, ok?
>implying all blacks are body builders who look like this
Try it. The police are gonna mangle you to death.
As a white woman, those men aren't attractive at all.
And it's because they're niggers.
Nobody chooses what color they're born. Stop persecuting people based on race. Its fucking stupid.
White trophy walls include every animal.
it's the same 2 guys every time. Is this all there is to the black ubermencsh?
Okay white boy come for me antifa fag
Can't wait to meet you.
Would spit roast
Most black "men" are obese bisexual beta males raised by single moms. That's why u are obsessed with shiny shoes and clothing. Nice try, Maurice.
Scared? Nope.
Eager with anticipation.
Always wondered what WP tipped slugs would do to a nigger.
I figure a whole belt (or six) would make a mess of jigaboos light up like a fireworks show.
Those niggas gay
Tits or gtfo
Always the black and never the mexicans.
It's almost like you are racist.
yes I'm terrified
JUSSIE SMUGGET'S personal trainers ?
Before this post by like 5 min:
>Ok google, search black body builder
Oh boy, I can't wait to show /pol
>lightly kneel on roided joggers
>they die within 9 minutes because of all the drugs in their body
> We coming for you
More like they're coming for each other
I guess thats why you keep sucker punching old people huh tough kike.
Haven't you got some staring at black penises on interracial porn sites to do, nigger coomer?
Come and take it
herbs and spices
does any1 have the statistic on racial lifetime contributions/burden n the us?
imagine the smell
I bet you Niggers smell better cooked.
okay, but felons can't own guns? so how?
>> We coming for you
>More like they're coming for each other
More like cumming inside each other.
What's with nogs and their love of cocks and aids?
Oh no :s
P-please don't cum for me Tyrone UwU
>We're comin for u, white boi
ok, be sure to catch in a tissue
Oh, you canadians and your genocide.
Taint sniffers ?
Sage and fuck niggers
I am expecting you guys. Here is my adress:
NĂ©ger u. 88
1400 Budapest
Are you for coffee or tea?