We're comin for u, white boi

Feelin scared yet? Your women are already the personal property of our BBC's. Its just you white bois left now

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Very kosher thread.

nice body armor you have there, dumbass.

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Black women literally never leave me alone. Why do they pester me so oft? I don't make much money and I'm not very swole. Nevertheless, I can rely always on black women for fellation.

>low IQ
>higher rate of obesity
>riddled with STDs
>self-worth derived from staged pornography
Must be nog'o'clock.

Can stop a bullet

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We don't need anymore nigger big shots, ok?

>implying all blacks are body builders who look like this

Try it. The police are gonna mangle you to death.

As a white woman, those men aren't attractive at all.
And it's because they're niggers.

Nobody chooses what color they're born. Stop persecuting people based on race. Its fucking stupid.

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White trophy walls include every animal.

it's the same 2 guys every time. Is this all there is to the black ubermencsh?

Okay white boy come for me antifa fag


Can't wait to meet you.

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Would spit roast

Most black "men" are obese bisexual beta males raised by single moms. That's why u are obsessed with shiny shoes and clothing. Nice try, Maurice.

Scared? Nope.

Eager with anticipation.

Always wondered what WP tipped slugs would do to a nigger.
I figure a whole belt (or six) would make a mess of jigaboos light up like a fireworks show.

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Those niggas gay

Tits or gtfo

Always the black and never the mexicans.
It's almost like you are racist.

yes I'm terrified

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JUSSIE SMUGGET'S personal trainers ?

Before this post by like 5 min:

>Ok google, search black body builder

Oh boy, I can't wait to show /pol

>lightly kneel on roided joggers
>they die within 9 minutes because of all the drugs in their body

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> We coming for you
More like they're coming for each other

I guess thats why you keep sucker punching old people huh tough kike.

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Haven't you got some staring at black penises on interracial porn sites to do, nigger coomer?

Come and take it

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herbs and spices

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does any1 have the statistic on racial lifetime contributions/burden n the us?

imagine the smell

I bet you Niggers smell better cooked.


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okay, but felons can't own guns? so how?

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>> We coming for you
>More like they're coming for each other
More like cumming inside each other.
What's with nogs and their love of cocks and aids?

Oh no :s

P-please don't cum for me Tyrone UwU

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>We're comin for u, white boi
ok, be sure to catch in a tissue

Oh, you canadians and your genocide.

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Taint sniffers ?

Sage and fuck niggers

I am expecting you guys. Here is my adress:
NĂ©ger u. 88
1400 Budapest
Are you for coffee or tea?

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