All siegeniggers respond

Do you know that you're faggot satanists? If not, what exactly what is your knowledge of the intimate relationship between siegetard material and anti-cosmic satanism? Do you know you're being used? I look forward to hearing from you. Pic related is some of your retard-tier propaganda. I've been saving them for a knowledge drop. I will end your influence on this board.

Attached: 1591853289519.png (768x768, 367.16K)

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Woah this board is glowing all month

Why did you make me become this?
I just wanted to play video games.

How am I glowing user? I'm calling these retards out. They don't care about you. Or your race. They want you to die.

If you are a siegetard, you deserve to die. I would personally kill you if I could. You do not deserve to live.

I denounce extremism, fuck off fbi , we are anti violence

Accelerate, nigger.
The hour draws near.

Good user. It seems like maybe you didn't read the post, but these retards exist in our space. Their influence must be stopped.

I am Vindex and I have come here to end you and your kind. Unworthy.

the skull mask looks cool