What explains the rise of white supremacy in the USA?

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deez nuts nigga sage

Leftists making everything about race and casting whiteness as some sort of original sin where you are responsible for the actions of dead slave owners

Page 9. Demographic Dividends and Liabilities

Couldn't have anything to do with BLM tearing down the statue of every American hero they see and turning whatever cities they go through into war zones. That's for sure

jewish behaviour

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Gee I don't know

“Supremacy.” We want to be left alone. You’re not going to leave us alone. Let’s get this over with.

Jewish manipulation to protect their wealth.

The attempt to stomp out whiteness

You're throwing the word supremacy around like you know what it means or something.

>the rise

America was always white supremacist.

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Where are leftists seeing white supremacy? I wish there were as many as they claim. Seriously? Where are they finding this?

It's literally the boogeyman

Probably because there’s a class of white faggots that kneel to black people

What does being left alone mean? Your actions have consequences on everyone else in the world. White people can't live separated from the rest of humanity, they should join the rest of us.

The last three weeks should have tripled the membership of the KKK and Skinheads.

> no, no, you can't defend the genocide of your race goyim.

Why even bother asking this here. This is ground zero for nazi larp

kill yourself shitskin

Keep trying to make them then lol

>nazi larp

The founding fathers had "nazi" values, they would have liked Hitler.

Your 1960's Liberalism is very un-american.

decline of percentage of the population that has the capability of abstract thought. The current system relies too much on it. however, they have been importing people without it for over 50 years.
>inb4 intelligence
I think of it as more like aphantasia. some peoples just don't have the capability to think abstractly even if they are intelligent.

Imagine thinking that if you think there is a difference between races that you are some kind of supremacists

that's true. they just keep moving the goalpost

China for the Chinese, Korea for Koreans, Japan for Japanese, Africa for the Africans,


There is nothing wrong with white nationalism, and you are a faggot piece of shit

But the rioters and looters are of all races


I can't understand why marching around the streets with shields and yelling would change anything.

For me the final solution would be seccession, separatism from the US, but because of big government it is extremely hard to secceed.

Perhaps if you get big generals on your side and a lot of troops, you could pull it off, since today the destructive power of a military is far greater than during the Civil War days, so probably to avoid a destructive conflict the US would just allow it.

Trips of truth
White arrogance need to stop. You’re not that special white boy.

>he says in a White country

Anti white rhetoric becoming more mainstream definitely has nothing to do with it.

Define: White Supremacy

This so much

Learning pic related. I went from basic bitch conservative to White nationalist when I learned Whites were going to be a minority in America.

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Telling other groups to leave us alone is not 'white supremacy'. In fact, it's the opposite of that.
How could we rule over your and subjugate you if we're not around you at all and your people govern yourselves?
It's Jewish supremacy you have to worry about. They're the ones who want all up in everybody's business.

What does this even mean? If someone wants to just be left alone they should be allowed to be left alone?

Whoever though that white polos and khakis was a good idea for this march should be publicly executed. Nobody's gonna take dudes larping as 65 year old pensioners seriously.

Losers unable to get laid.

You Op. You are the problem.

Just as special as all other cultures

What is a white country? Australia is a white country? It was 100% aboriginal 300 years ago, so what makes it a "white country"? The earth belongs to all of us, moron.

Using a 2 year old picture because that's all they are going to get

You know damn well that we're targeted by all the other groups.
You just don't want us to wake up and realize that, because then your worthless beggar people won't be able to siphon our resources anymore.

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You would only say that if you didnt know how easy it was to get laid.

You get the gas.

lol. posthumanist nonsense. Do you guys ever have better arguments.

Ethnic replacement, you dumb Amerilard.

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Thats how it starts. Soon you'll say any white person is a supremacist and killed for skin-crime.

Whites conquered it and other races are trying to conquer us. Let's just cut the shit.

You're not "wanting" them to join you you're wanting extermination and you may end up getting it if things keep escalating however not in the way you're hoping

Even IF we didn't hypothetically consider countries like Australia or America to be "white" countries it wouldnt be enough for you. Nothing ever is. Just fuck off already.

Except for Israel, right Shlomo?
Sounds like we're ideologically in a stand-off. There is no middle-ground to yours or my stances. No way both sides get what they want.
So I wonder how all this is going to end?
Are you ready for the full might of Europe to come down on you?

>Australia is a white country?
>It was 100% aboriginal 300 years ago
There was no Australia 300 years ago. The very concept of Australia didn't exist until Captain James Cook discovered the landmass and White settlers began to show up.
>so what makes it a "white country"?
It was created by Whites.

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And why is that a reason to be a
white nationalist? Look beyond peoples
skin color and judge them not by birth
but by character. If you actually care
about America thats what you should do.

Gee, I wonder.

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LOL this nigger thinks niggers have the right to live near White people

Niggers are retarded

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There hasn't been, its just media amplification because liberals are obsessed with it

What rise of white supremacy? It's fabricated bullshit. Sure it exists, but the idea that it's on the rise is complete bullshit. If anything, any rise currently being seen is because of these retards burning down cities.

When did "hate" become a bad thing?

>Media says white supremacists on the rise
>You believed it
these are the same people who told you Iraq had WMDs.


I live in Calabasas. It's a true white American city.

lol. and they said that white supremacist were the real threat to the country.

>Are you ready for the full might of Europe to come down on you?
Lol what are you gonna do tough guy? You're not gonna do anything.

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Enlightenment Liberalism dies with Europe. It is not a sentiment the other races give a fuck about at all.
Every other group goes above and beyond for their own, only Europeans are asked to be 'enlightened' and not look at skin color.
I'll stop concerning myself with race when these faggots stop attacking my people.

What explains the entitlement complex of blacks around the world.

fake news about the rise of white supremacy feeds a rise in white supremacy


> why are whites mad of constantly being debased while being taxed to death

Lmfao, I know this is b8, but you have to be retarded to even ask this. Like the majority of this board, I’m not even white — :^) — and I can see them getting perpetually fucked. Hell, “white supremacy” is a leftist red herring: whites had their identity revoked, at least now they’re coming to realize it.

All things in nature have their consequences and reactions.

It dosnt matter what the settlers skin color was.
If we claim that because they were white thats
is justification racist policys then the same
justification will be used against whites.

>Enlightenment Liberalism dies with Europe. It is not a sentiment the other races give a fuck about at all.
that's a good point.

I question the vaidity of this report given the reputations of the ones who made it.

But assuming it's true, what explains it? Maybe BLM going around and saying they will wipe out white people with no repercussions for the authorities while whites are being demonized not for saying some, for being silent too. The idea is that if you are not with them, you are against them. That draws a clear line in the proverbial sand.


Literally this... these kikes and their pet shitskins are even trying to label the black sun as some white supremacist symbol now, judging from that photo with the headline. When that pendulum makes the full swing back to the right, remember ALL of this kiked bullshit. They ALL get the fucking rope.

Some whites standing up for themselves and the kikes don’t like it.

OP is a larper. When they call for a rally we see all ten show up. I have never met one in person yet, have you?

They always say shit like that, until it all hits the fan. Then they're poor little innocent victims.
I want people like you to continue to say shit like that.
You help us more than you'll ever know.

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