Why do white people have such pig noses?

Hook noses look much prettier and more noble.
>inb4 kike

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Still voting Trump

Why did bongs look more attractive back than?


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that's francoise hardy, a 60s french singer

I see. Sorry bongs you lose again

I genuinely have a fetish for women with "interesting" noses. Not the jewish type but I can't resist an attractive woman with a larger nose or nose bump.

Jesus, that's truly disgusting

Is that pokimane?

>Hook noses look much prettier and more noble

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Why do jews have witch noses?

Name any group that has smaller noses than white people without surgical intervention

Okay. More aryan waifu for the rest of us

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What a beautiful voice

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takes longer for the cold air to hit the lungs.

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LOL kikes are hideous you fucking oven dodger

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god dammit he's right

my family is scots-irish and we all have long narrow noses.

That's because kike-owned hollywood has brainwashed your pea-sized canadian brain

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she cute

It looks good on a woman, but not on a man. Just like round face.

cope harder, rabbi

You got fucking owned

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Girls look best with a small little pointy nose

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>look I posted a hollywood model! Mom, I BTFO that kike, m-mom!

Kikes like OP want you to think pic related is hot


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roman-type almost right-triangle with slight convex below eye-level is masterrace

why do black people look like their noses got flattened by a bulldozer?

that's not a small nose. her nose is relatively long.

thats only germanics, nordics and anglos who have the gross pig noses

Yes. The slight bump on the bridge and a slight downturn on the end of the nose is superior.

stop talking shit about francoise hardy you fucking nigger

East Africans have a nice looking noses.

Why do meme flags make such awful posts? You’re worse than Leaftard

He's a hollywood model because of his desirable features you fucking retard.

anglos have big noses.

so basically white people

Based and owned

Said the kyke scheduled at his cousing Dr Kykestein for a nose job.

never like upturned noses. look good in profile but from the front looks like an oinker. gimme a gal with a graceful pointy nose.
bird nose > pig nose

and cocks

Even in pics meant to insult, you can see the Jew’s eyes brimming with energy and intelligence. The German goyim remind me of pretty horses or impressive cows that won a 4-H competition. The goyim breed for facial symmetry and other physical characteristics, like most animals. The Jews breed for IQ. At this point we are almost different species.

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yeah this is hot to you.

Fuck off you kiked-up nigger

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straight long noses are noble looking, no matter in what race. that's why east asians and blacks get rhinoplasty to obtain a higher bridge. this produces the effect of a straighter, longer nose. it's why the tutsis look much more noble than the hutus. flat nigger noses are fucking ugly, disgusting, and look primitive like an ape. even the niggers know this, that's why they get corrective surgery.

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>The Jews breed for IQ.

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Is she single? (jokes, of course she's single)