He named the jew. that's why he's banned


he named the jew. that's why he's banned.

Attached: Your Mom Will Die In Her Sleep.png (1280x761, 1.45M)

did he get rich enough that he stopped caring or did he naively think they dont know Icke's entire shtick

The documentary is just about Icke's life, and saying ridiculous conspiracies has been part of his schtick for awhile. Saying you like someone is not a reason to have your career ended. If this is the reason then they just made alot of lonely kids go fucking watch that documentary to see why its illegal to have that opinion.

hol up david icke has never talked about the JQ

>DrDisrespect: WAKE UP
>Twitch: Go back to sleep goyim

Also I wasn't aware Icke ever said anything about jews, I thought he was a global government reptilians guy like Alex Jones except with more new-age chakra shit

If he really got banned for anti-semitism/holocaust denial then he gets no sympathy from me



if Microsoft offered him 20 millions and he rejected it, then he must be loaded.

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