Anyone else think the neo-nazis are just the same thing as the anoying social justice warriors. Is there any people who think all this shit is stupid? Can we have a sane conversation about the current political climate without being shouted over by extremists?
Any sane people here?
You're going to have a bad time. Internet is for extremism only.
No. Neo-Nazis can be sensible.
It's kind of annoying how you can't criticize white people without being called a kike.
Zig Forums also can't tell the difference between Jews who are on different ends of the political spectrum, and associate them all with the loud anti-white minority.
Neo-nazis are fucking scum
I agree with everything you say, but you can’t fight extremism with moderation. It’s about survival now, not ideas
neo-nazis are the only sane people left on earth
now that's what I call kvetching
The Nazi dipshits will never, ever have any power. They will never do anything. There will never be a fourth reich or revival of NATSOC. Nobody will ever tolerate them, so it's really sad that so many white people that could be allies against liberal evil are lost in this faggot ass LARP. They're not much different than the lefties, honestly.
I think that the bottom quartile of society and anyone convicted of more than one violent crime should have their rights severely restricted. Nothing based on race or ethnicity, but purely on behavior.
Does that make me a Nazi?
isnt this the problem though. Its retarted, The world is so stupid right now. The nazis are ignoring the real problems.
So a chicanos, they literally look like the exact same people with their shaved heads and "la Raza" bowls hit. Eat shit you progressive fuck face.
The people who blame da joos for everything are as bad as sjws that blame white people for everything.
so many newfaggots like this kid
How so, I just here gas the kikes and genocide niggers. I know a bunch of people will say that sensible but it's not. What is sensible?
>The people who blame da joos for everything
Expect it to get worse. You should focus on protecting your family and community.
Need like a radical centre, and some ideas that could actually change things like electoral reform. They want you to be nazis becuase they know half the people will fight the nazis.
I've been on here for age. Unironically a centrist. Jew hate is as retarded as white hate. Cracka
There are no neo nazis on here. That shit is all made up by the media. You really think if you were cool to a person you is not inbred or mentally retarded that they are going to hate you because of your complexion?
It's time to rake all leaves.
Im with you dude, they are so stupid too. It's honestly garbage that they have overtaken this board.
you're both NPC's.
>da jooz!!!11
Probably not, but the idea is still retarted.
Worship of the actual German Nazi Party is retarded. Commitment to the ideals of fascism and the unified corporate state is based. The Nazis had some stuff right and some stuff wrong. They are gone now, we should let it go. Looking forward, versions of "national socialism" will be crucial for our political evolution. The dead are dead, but we carry their fire, and drop what didn't work.
>Don't blame us goy.
>Y-you dont want to be like those SJWs do you?
Leaf being a leaf. Slide thread do not reply.
yeah, the nazis are larping/expressing taboo thoughts where they feel safe to do so.
Honestly, it's a lazy man's cope: I dislike the culture of poor black people who often commit crimes - It's easier to say I dislike all black people because there isn't any complexity to it like that cutie black girl with a big ass or the kid I went to school with who was a real bro and also happened to be black.
Same goes with the 'jews' thing, believing people are sinful or 'wrong' by nature of their birth is what all the 'muh white genocide' is trying to fight against, but in the same breath expressing about other races.
A group of rich jews probably do control the world, that doesn't mean every moshe on the planet is taking part in or has any control over any of it.
It's lazy and easy and it's also a little bit fun for these nerds to larp as such because the rest of our society has become so shut down and outraged over the slightest transgressions that it makes it fun to get away with it.
Fat american
I feel that, I just hope there is an actual movement to stop the insanity of this circus on both extreme sides.
came here expecting a Buddhism thread. was disappointed.
Lurk moar, this board is full of neo-nazis who think hitler was actually jesus.