Are doing whatever they want on the streets (destroying statues, establishing autonomous enclaves, etc)
Are literally everywhere and controlling the entire narrative
Meanwhile, white supremacists can never seem to gather in numbers over 50-100 chubby awkward kids and they get immediately chased away/btfo by Antifa counter-mobs. They're universally despised, have achieved no change, and can only make their presence known on anonymous cartoon boards for children
there are not that many white supremacists. white people just want a better society free of common degeneracy.
Nathaniel Davis
They're more successful because George Soros
Ryder Rogers
Because they are backed by capital
Samuel Reyes
there's not that many of the paid protesters either and they'll dry up when the money runs out.
I kinda wonder if any of these kinds of movements are ever organic.
Adam Davis
Yet who do people fear more?
Luke Watson
Mainstream backing and inorganic
Any "white supremacist" group will get the Waco treatment
They're not successful, though, as no one likes masked street thugs
Cooper Brooks
Antifa-types literally gained power right after the first wave of Jewish immigration in the 1910s
Andrew Cooper
This. We get support from nobody. And if we do something we get arrested. Niggers can burn down an entire city but a white man says nigger to a black women and het get's 5 years or more (real story).
Zachary Miller
Nobody takes action against it because it makes people realize clown world.
Jordan Taylor
They have the backing of the elites and don't get witch hunted by the feds like the right does whenever they dare to step outside
Luke Robinson
Because they are backed by the stablishment. Corporations and neoliberal goverments allow them to do what they want because they know that they are not a thread. This process allows the masses to get some catharsis without changing anything.
Adrian Richardson
Because fascism died with Hitler
Sebastian Murphy
You call that winning? There's a reason why they were always called "cuckolds". Their "winning" is based on self-annihilation. The only problem is that we pay the consequences of their actions.
I always said the biggest blackpill Zig Forums has to swallow is that we will have to get rid of white liberals and balkanize all sane whites left, eventually.
Chase Young
The great thing is, they're going to accidentally create another Hitler, just like they did in the Weimar Republic.
Nicholas Hall
Heavily funded, media backed, weaponized name Vs People who share the same values as the 'big evil' that our grandfathers fought and defeated Its a money and optics thing.
>Why are they so much more effective than white supremacists? Because they have the backing of multinational companies, billionaires, the media, social networks, and politicians.
Meanwhile, being a "white supremacist" is synonymous with someone that loves their country.
There were 2 billion people in 1939 and not as many nukes.
Dominic Mitchell
Also, there is exactly ONE person in that photo who looks like he could competently fight somebody. These people get their teeth kicked in when the government isn't paying attention and the Proud Boys or some other autists actually get ahold of them. Only time they get punches in is when they outnumber somebody who's unarmed. These people are pussies, through and through. Honestly part of me wonders if the government gives these people so much protection because if they were to get into a real street brawl it'd be a total bloodbath.
Juan Brooks
Antifa are nothing without the Jews.
Tyler Price
Moderate illumination detected.
Luke Garcia
This. ANTIFA are pathetic considering that basically the entire power system backs them up. Yet they still just go around beating people, burning buildings and destroying statues.
Caleb Rodriguez
You are correct.
Isaac Martinez
We've been saying that for so long that I really have to wonder if something like that would ever be able to come to pass without getting shut down by the globohomo somehow
Jordan Wood
They have billions of dollars worth of funding, corporations pay to protect them, while whenever a few right wing white people get together to go shoot the feds raid their house and kill their dogs.
Chase Hughes
Because they're on right side of history. Their cause is a moral one. Right Wingers main objective is to continue oppressing minorities and the working class.
Kevin Kelly
>full control of the media >freezes your bank account if you speak out of line >gets you fire if you speak out of line >government is in full favor of them >literally zero repercussions for them killing white people in the street Really hard to understand why they're more effective.
niggers can do whatever they want and demorats, the msm and corporations back them up. White supremacists are on their own, so they have to play it smart.
Juan Wilson
Because no resistance is offered to them. If a opposed group would fuck them up badly, 90% of the virtue signalling hoes would go away instantly and never come back. The rest are the hardcores that need to die.
Jack Clark
In theory, a quadriplegic retard could beat Usain bolt with the backing of an entire countries government. They could tie him to a motorbike and convince the audience that is anyone says "but Usain was faster, the tard cheated by being strapped to a bike" is an abelist and a far right uncle who should be disregarded and killed on sight.
Doesnt change the fact it's a retard on a bike. All antifa and their backers have done is pull the wool over the eyes of those too weak to know what is right and wrong.
They are still new, wait a few years and everyone gets bored of them. Remember how quick anonymous and the mmm vanished?
Caleb Carter
>Why are they so much more effective than white supremacists? because they are the pawns of the night finance kikes who organized this top down color revolution and the media and federal law enforcement are on their side they also are only operating in zones where democrats have total political control
Levi Nguyen
They also somehow believe that they are the ones on the outside, the outcasts, the unheard, despite all of the backing. Effectively fighting for the sake of the people that by all rights they should hate according to their ideologies.
Owen Roberts
Then you have pricks like this, he keeps calling everyone a Paedo who speak out against this woman from Cambridge Uni
This. Gen X, Millenials, and Zoomers are taught a narrative in school, on the media, by their parents, by their friends, by their favorite celebrities, for their entire lives.
Lincoln Cook
What capital? Have you seen the CHAZ "farm"? They can't produce capital. Oh you're a retard that thinks currency is capital.
Kayden Clark
Hating hate is an easier narrative to sell than hating "the underdog". Everyone wants to be a hero.
they are far, far more numerous they get the backing of actual political parties such as communist and "socialist" parties a lot of NGO's and international corporations are sympathetic with them they've been doing this for a long time they don't care about puritanism like "white supremacists" do most of them are young students brainwashed by socialist teachers and anime/hollywood they get the devoted support of minorities of all kinds with almost no exception meanwhile most regular citizens don't even know what their goal is and are neither for them or against them
I could go on
David Hughes
Also fuck your peace symbol and fuck all those who fly it. You can only espouse peace, tolerance, and all your other shite because you sit back while others commit violence on your behalf to keep civilisation intact.
Because politicians, media, governmental institutions etc back them. They basically got the full force of the state effectively.
Kevin Long
>multinational corporate support >mass media support >military industrial complex support >all levels of judiciary support >banks, wall street, and hedge funds support >hollywood support >government bureaucracy support >international support There's probably more.
because the state imported minorities. And minorities ain't voting for someone who'll kick them out lol.
Joseph Adams
What you're looking at is the end result of 70 years of effort.
Look at the long march through the institutions.
Also, blame the nazis. They're the ones who created the extreme consensus against all forms of ethnonationalism
Ian Rivera
Zachary Lewis
And every time people like him are found out to be sexual predators.
Grayson Long
It's the other way around. Those groups are controlled by the elite. They want you to fight them, so the best thing you can do is to ignore them. Fascism will win in the end, because it's our natural state of being.
Jayden Peterson
The right wings biggest issue is it's current best asset, we only subvert now. We don't use rockwell style parades, we subvert media and consumers to spread our ideology. We are deeply afraid of revealing ourself's we only come out to those we trust as we spread our ideology in the night, like a vampire who turns others in the night and cowers from the light. Someday in the future the next hitler will be created by one of subversions and we will go down in history with that operation.
CHAZ isn't antifa, CHAZ is BLM sympathizers and as far as I know CHAZ still exists because of its antifa connections even though if white fascists tried to do anything resembling an autonomous zone in america they would get shot the minute they step foot outside
also you're ignoring the fact that CHAZ is indeed getting help in terms of infrastructure and food from certain groups, such a thing wouldn't happen to any other group
Justin Sanders
>Right Wingers main objective is to continue oppressing minorities and the working class. lol, you guys are so stupid is tragic. The unskilled labor the wealthiest kikes in the world are importing MAKES BLACKS POOR. Everything you think you represent is the exact inverse.
because they're state sponsored and supported by the entire mainstream corporate establishment
John Mitchell
Literally it comes down to movements need money, and a bit of truth to sell an even bigger lie.
Something like Truth "volcanoes go boom." Lie "omg that volcano is going to go boom and the only way to stop it is by donating to xyz corp and accepting xyz solutions" pic related these fuckers have millions of dollars to play with
So would you be if you had billionaires behind you
Aiden Myers
>Why are they more effective The people they and just about everyone else claim to be fighting against do not properly exist. Apart from some edgelords online and maybe a hand full in each state you won't find them. In order to have someone, anyone to fight, they claim anyone against them is a white supremacist. When your argument is so simple it's "I'm against racism" or some such shit, anyone who does argue must be for racism. It's pathetic really, but morons fall for it on all sides of the argument.
Henry Russell
When are Elon Musk and Peter Thiel going to fund a street army
Josiah Ortiz
One sniper bullet to a head would've scared this fucks off for good.