Our soldiers run away with their arms up everytime a war breaks in and so what? We have haute couture and haute cuisine...

Our soldiers run away with their arms up everytime a war breaks in and so what? We have haute couture and haute cuisine. We have Chanel and Louboutin. Our wines and cheeses are the best. Seethe.

Attached: flag-france-1.jpg (800x400, 25.51K)

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You have niggers and arabs is what you have mutt.

You won’t have any of these things soon as France turns into Africa 2.0

God I hate amerimutt tourists


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French brain

Or expat or whatever. Just fuck off

You do have those but you also have a shit ton of niggers, pajeets, muslims and every kind of subhuman known to mankind.

The only thing that keeps the "France is beautiful and romantic" rumor going is the boomers who visited Paris in 1976 and still think that it hasnt changed a bit. Last I checked, Paris was like visiting a city in Africa.

Get your shit together because we like you and we want you to do good


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hon hon, we also have the best anthem, viva la revolution

Attached: téléchargement (3).jpg (160x240, 5.78K)