Why are young men wasting their prime years

Playing video games instead of finding a white wife, building a family, building a career, buying a proper house and actually having white children? Why aren't YOU having white children Zig Forums?

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im waiting for a war to die in

Income and property tax are 100% financially barring me from doing so.

cuz niggers are taking my girls

Jewish debt slavery and White female neuroticism

Have children with whom? Screeching feminists or sluts that fuck 60 year olds for money? Because that's 95 percent of western women nowadays. Plus 100 percent of women won't accept any guy who isn't a 9 at least. Feminism made all women believe they are queens and shouldn't settle for anything less than a prince. That's why

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This video explains it.
Start watching at 05:40.

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Maybe because nobody want to build a family with them. Thanks to make up, women thinks they are better than they are. Another thing is that people just want to enjoy their lives when they have some energy and youth.

I would love to find wife but that is just not possible. So career is no longer important because i don't need that much money. It wasn't my choice.

Damn. That guy is above average and his wife is ugly as hell. Sad.

We need a sticky with FAQ replies.

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Fun fact a lot of people on this site aren’t old enough to do that

seems like a cope answer

for me its lack of self-worth mainly, also several past encounters with women always ended up in disappointment so i kinda gave up on trying nowadays

Because they don't know what else to do. There are no dragons to kill and no higher goal. Nihilism also plays it's part.

Nice slamming. You dude are a faggot and that chick looks like a hook nosed kike bitch.

Because the future is unattractive

I have yet to find a woman who I would trust to start a family with. I'm in my early 30's now and degeneracy runs deep.

Don't contribute to a system that wants to destroy you

Because I'm a genetic dead end. In less comfortable times, I would be sent off to war to die. Instead I languish here, knowing my life has no biological purpose.

Because video games and porn are more rewarding most men on earth are lesser beings than their forebears these days. That's all there is to it. They will cope with saying that the future is bad etc. but the same was true in the past and yet their ancestors survived. They are beta losers coping, simple as.

The world is a comedy and i have decided to be its spectator rather than its participator.

I don't care for anything the world does because everything it does is completely and utterly pointless barring a few individuals who are at the tops of their fields and are very slowly raising technological levels up, something like Elon Musk maybe and the whole space X thing but even that is kind of sad to watch like monkeys stumbling with sticks.
What is there to live for in this modern world there are no more great causes or ideal, there are no more great leaders or great men. It has all become corporations and the insanely rich fighting their ultimately stupid fights for their fights do nothing for anyone or humanity as a whole they just gain more wealth for a purpose that is unknown and likely unfathomably stupid since if your wealth isn't doing anything but being wealth it is as useless as a rock. If you fight for all these useless other men you will simply be torn apart at the altar of degeneracy for daring to speak to them of freedom and not of the slavish freedom of the american mutts but of actual true freedom the freedom of the mind the freedom of the soul, freedom from this rat race and its traps, traps like social media, tv, ect.
Why do men specifically check out to video games or rather why do so many men play video games today and on the other hand 90% of women do not? I can't really say but I believe it is a taste of freedom a true freedom, the characters you play there and the worlds they inhabit are truly free even if they are very limited the show men a glimpse of what deep down they want their lives to be. They want to be the character they play because the characters of video games show them and let them experience freedom from the rat race the daily grind let them experience a facet of life that has become almost impossible to easily experience in this modern time. They let them experience how it is to think for yourself for just a moment.

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really sad old indian guy who runs the diner by me has 22 year old 10/10 white gf cuz he buys her shit

its over for young broke dudes

>The average fulltime working man works 6 hours per week
about right

wrong, before you were a big fish in a small pond

you were relevant to your family, community, and nation

now your a nothing cog out of a billion other identical cogs

life is terrible in the globalized future

our future was sold by boomers before we were even born. why play a rigged game?

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Is this actually true?

Because humanity gets what it fucking deserves.

>marry degenerate woman with lefty views who worships BBC
>have kid
>go thru normalization of woke education at k-12
>give all my money to degenerate bitch and her new bf Tyrone

Hell no. Fuck this system and fuck this country.


Because there are no good women to find, no job that can support a household to get, no house that doesn't indebt you to the jew bankers for 30 years to buy, and last but not least, no hope of it getting any better. This is not a demoralization post.


Because I don't want to get divorce raped

Cope. Also globalization is questioned more and more.

Lol, by far the most relationships of Whites are with Spics. What a cuck you r

It's far less selfish to be single and playing video games.

Who am I to enslave a woman to motherhood and tear an innocent life out of the void, just to satisfy my desire to live forever? Just so I don't have to feel alone?

A lot of reasons, but I suspect you don't actually care about any of them. Truth is, trads hate men.

Because I see nothing on the horizon that would change the society I live in to change into a society I would like to work for and raise children in.
Frankly it’s only getting worse and more clownworld like.

you gotta play the game. If those bitches want money then play ball, or find a woman who doesn't find money so important.
If you're a poorfag then at least you know the girl likes you for you. If you have money, it's easier to get women, but you might not be sure if she likes you because of the money. Sometimes it's more obvious than others and it makes you feel a bit shit. Like she is attracted to other guys and will fuck them for that reason, but she's fucking you because of your money.

In the near future, White children will either be used as food or fuel. That's why.

The point is you're still giving away your fucking money to the bitch you dense spic retard.

Why not both?

Because I'm preparing for the collapse with guns and ammo. The slave girl harem comes afterwards.

Pic related, I'm going to pick out bitches with this body type.

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All of you first world faggets compleyning about everything, come live in my country for a year and then realice how easy mode your life is.

>muh life is hard

Shut the fuck up